"I never felt cynical, and I never felt that I couldn't do what I wanted to do."

"I had always been quiet and studious in school. I was the high school editor of the newspaper."

"I eat very well, and I do Pilates."

"I don't have false teeth. Do you think I'd buy teeth like these?"

"My grandmother and I would go see movies, and we'd come back to the apartment - we had a one-room apartment in Hollywood - and I would kind of lock myself in this little dressing room area with a cracked mirror on the door and act out what I had just seen."

"I think the reason I was successful is that I was never cynical."

"When I was little I would always stand in front of a mirror and cross my eyes. Then my mother would come in and say, "Stop that, nothing will ever come of it!"

"I wanted to be on Broadway, but in musical comedy."

"Cavort, dear, just cavort"

"I never regretted turning down anything, I never regretted losing a job because I always felt something else was out there."

"I liked myself better when I wasn't me."

"I have always grown from my problems and challenges, from the things that don't work out, that's when I've really learned."

"I love the writing. I love the idea of typing and seeing it on the computer and printing it out myself and, you know, moving sentences around. I like that."

"Because nobody goes through life without a scar."

"We all get where we're going by circuitous journeys, and some of the setbacks are warranted."

"Giving birth is like taking your lower lip and forcing it over your head."

"We don't stop going to school when we graduate."

"I'm so happy with what has happened in my life."

"I come from Texas, and my grandmother and mother were born in Arkansas."

"Because nobody goes though life without a scar."

"When you have a dream, you've got to grab it and never let go."

"You have to go through the falling down in order to learn to walk. It helps to know that you can survive it. That's an education in itself."

"Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own."

"Only I can change my life. No one can do "it "for me."