Because women get more labor rights than men, meaning they get maternity leave, the employer prefers to hire men.

It saddens me to see the entrepreneurial world in Brazil, because it's a misfortune to be a boss in our country, with so many labor laws.

If anyone interferes into the private life of two people, I will defend the right of those two people between their four walls. That is no problem.

Real democracy is food on the table, the ability to plan your life, the ability to walk on the street without getting mugged.

We will reduce the tax burden, simplify tax rules, and make life easier for those who want to produce, do business, invest, and create jobs.

I am in favour of a dictatorship.

We are going to unite this people. We will unite whites and blacks, homosexuals and heterosexuals... We will unite bosses and employees, and we won't plant the seed of discord between them.

I have five children. There were four boys. The fifth, I got weak, and a girl came.

Every honest citizen, man or woman, if they want to have a weapon in their homes - depending on certain criteria - should be able to have one.

I'd rather my son died in an accident than showed up with some bloke with a moustache.

I know what hierarchy and discipline mean. Without those, we will never have order and progress.

It doesn't matter what the colour of your skin is, your sexual preference, the region where you were born, your gender. We're all equal... We can't take certain minorities and think they have super powers and are different from the others.

I vote for every privatization bill that I can. It is the Left that opposes privatization. They just want to preserve their government jobs.

I believe that a strong man makes a strong country.

I prefer a prison full of criminals than a graveyard full of innocent people.

I'm fully aware of the tricks that are often played in elections here in South Carolina.

Listen, I have lived the American dream, which is something that I am deeply proud of and something that I believe every child in South Carolina or across the country should have the opportunity to do.

I disagree with those who want to shut down the H-1B Visa program.

America can win the global energy race of the future, but only if we act boldly. We can and should seize the massive economic opportunity of leading the world in clean energy, by making investments that would create countless high-paying jobs and clean up our air and water in the process.

Black History Month is a poignant time for the entire country, but particularly the African American community.

No parent should have to choose between their job and caring for their child, and no person should miss valuable moments with their loved ones because of work.

I grew up in a household where a missed day of work meant bills were not paid, I've lived through the stress that confronts many South Carolina families.

When we lift women up, our communities thrive.

Federal resources are vital to the health of our HBCUs.