Am I a Democrat? Yes, I'm a Democrat. But at the end of the day, when I take the oath as a senator it won't be to do the bidding of the Democratic Party or a president in the White House. I will be there to fight for the people of South Carolina.

No, I absolutely do not support defunding the police. But it's clear we have been investing too much in force and need to reinvest in understanding and serving our communities.

Tom Perez has brought integrity, passion, and tenacity to every job he's ever had.

I want to make sure that every kid, every young boy and young girl in this country gets the opportunity to live their American dream. That's what the role of being in Congress and being a United States senator is all about.

I know what it's like to lose your home. I know what it's like to be hungry. I know what it's like to lose a family member because of a lack of health care. So all of these things aren't just political issues for me. All of these things are personal to me.

The coronavirus is not causing our health care problems in South Carolina. But it will likely make them worse - and increase the burden on working people - if we don't take action in a decisive way.

I'm hoping that college students and young professionals in general will pay very close attention to what is being said by both parties and all the candidates in the parties and pick the best person that best reflects the values that we all have.

I'm a cartoon junkie. Love 'Avatar: The Last Airbender.'

You never know when you lend somebody a hand, what that means for the rest of their lives.

My family, like many families here in South Carolina, have faced difficult financial situations.

I broke the cycle of poverty thanks to education.

We are no strangers to hurricanes in South Carolina. These storms are part of life, especially in the Lowcountry and all along our coast.

No one helped my grandparents when a con man stole our house, or when I needed help paying for a plane ticket to get to college. But my community always had my back.

With a crisis as complex as coronavirus, multiple government agencies and departments are involved in responding. There needs to be one qualified and experienced person who will make sure every relevant cabinet secretary, agency director and policy advisor are on the same page - day in and day out.

South Carolina is more of a conservative state than a Republican state.

There's Lindsey Graham 1.0 and then there's Lindsey Graham 2.0. I could not beat Lindsey Graham 1.0. That was the John McCain-Lindsey Graham.

We need to close the loopholes that allowed large corporations to abuse the Paycheck Protection Program.

I listen to a lot of oldies stuff. Some Motown, Michael Jackson, jazz, etc.

I can tell you as a black person in South Carolina whose grandparents grew up through Jim Crow, when you lose the courts and justice no longer becomes just, we're in a world of trouble.

With a common-sense approach, we can reduce waste, fraud and abuse, cut back on unnecessary bureaucracy and provide for the pillars of a strong economy and life in our state.

I was born into long odds. I know what the David versus Goliath story is. My life has been that.

Every American, and every corporation, should pay their fair share to build the American dream.

The reality is that front-line workers like restaurant servers, bus drivers and retail store clerks - whose jobs require person-to-person interactions - do not have the luxury of being able to 'work from home.'

Our goal should be to protect our borders and our national security, while instituting humane policies that reflect our values as a nation of immigrants.