Black business owners throughout America too often face bigger barriers to accessing capital.

Every February, we reflect on and honor the achievements, struggles, and icons that comprise Black history. As a proud, Black man running for office and raising two young, Black boys in the South, I am acutely aware that I stand on the shoulders of giants.

I grew up in constant fear of eviction.

I love Howard Dean.

The history of Black Americans in South Carolina is riddled with trials and tribulations.

Folks here in South Carolina want someone with a backbone, with a spine. Someone who's going to stand up for them and their families, regardless of who's in the White House.

Lindsey Graham has wavered on this, but I won't: We need to ban offshore drilling. A spill off our beaches would destroy jobs and harm the coastal environment that makes South Carolina beautiful.

As Democrats, we believe in fairness and opportunity.

Listen, running against Senator Graham is indeed a tough climb, but it is equally a hill worth climbing. I've faced things people have deemed impossible my entire life, and this is yet another journey where I prove that in America, the impossible is always possible.

We have to end cash bail.

I've picked butter beans, okra, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew. I've butchered pigs, chickens. We made our own sausage and pudding.

Caring about the long-term vibrancy of our coasts means transitioning ambitiously to cleaner energy, which would spur job growth in high-paying industries and cut air pollution.

We deserve a Senator who cares about our children's safety.

I was in middle school when Hurricane Hugo hit in 1989. I still remember the sounds from that night and the challenges of recovering.

We have seen communities cry out in pain, generation after generation, because of racism and police brutality.

I am not in favor of implementing a Medicare-for-All, single payer healthcare system.

The American Dream is alive and well for some, but not all Americans. Here in South Carolina, rural hospitals are closing, schools are underfunded, and our coasts are threatened by offshore drilling. We need a Senator who's fighting to improve the lives of South Carolinians rather than focusing on interests in Washington D.C.

COVID-19 has upended our economy.

Climate change is threatening ecosystems in South Carolina, while making it less safe and more costly to live along our coastline.

I would rather my constituents were warm and prosperous than cold and impoverished as we are overtaken by emerging markets who understandably put people before polar bears.

To have charitable support given by people voluntarily to support their fellow citizens, I think, is rather uplifting and shows what a good, compassionate country we are.

You alleviate poverty by trickle-down economics.

I think it's true - economically, you want to bake a bigger cake rather than slicing up an existing cake differently.

I trust my electors. I see them in weekly meetings. I'm their advocate, I'm there to take up their case. I'm not there to decide whether they've got a good case or a bad case. And I think that if you trust people, they're more likely to trust you back.