When I think about our HBCUs, I think of icons like my mentor Jim Clyburn, a South Carolina State graduate, who fought against discrimination and segregation, and continues to champion for civil rights and equality.

Growing up in Orangeburg, I didn't know that I lived in the 'corridor of shame.' I was the son of a single mom who learned to read from comic books. My grandparents helped raise me.

They didn't have a lot, but my grandparents taught me the important stuff: that hard work and character, matter. When I got my acceptance (and scholarship) to college, it felt like a dream come true.

Unemployment relief from The CARES Act - a popular and bipartisan solution - was a key lifeline not just for our families but also for small businesses.

We can't leave small business owners to fend for themselves.

People are tired of the politics of Donald Trump. l really do believe that.

There are people of all colors and creeds across our state who've lost faith in our political system.

The Democratic Party has to transform itself. We can't just pop up every two or four years and hope people will support us.

Our nation's debt has to be a concern for us all. It is not sustainable long-term.

I know what it's like to dig in the couches to find a quarter or two to pull together so you can get a gallon of gas and your grandfather can go to work. That is not something defined by whether you're a Democrat or Republican.

State governments should not have to compete in bidding contests against each other in order to get the necessary supplies to protect and help their citizens.

South Carolinians don't back down from challenges.

When I think about my legacy, I think about the world that we leave behind for our children.

Too many people have lost their lives, particularly in the African-American community, for the right to vote. I stand in their shadows and I am standing on their shoulders.

In 2020, no child should go hungry, and yet, in South Carolina 1-in-5 children do.

For centuries, our country has welcomed people fleeing religious persecution, war and humanitarian crises to create a better future for themselves and their futures. With proper safeguards in place, we should offer refuge to some migrants with legitimate fears of persecution and violence.

Our leaders cannot and should not give up when compromise seems out of reach, especially when the economic security of South Carolinians is at stake.

I don't come from a lot of money.

Medicare should be allowed to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices on prescriptions.

I've worked cornfields.

I think about the world that we leave behind for our children.

I was born to a single mother and often struggled to find my next meal. With the right opportunities from public education and mentors, I achieved the American dream.

We must turn the page on the dark parts of our history.

I think for young people, there are so many issues, not only student loan debt but health care and all these various issues that I believe can impact the quality of your life.