We remain a highly unequal society in which poverty and prosperity are still defined by race as well as gender.

We should put behind us the era of diminishing trust in public institutions and weakened confidence in our country's public leaders.

We must not have an economy that discourages and chases away investors from investing in South Africa.

We need to rid our State Owned Enterprises of corruption because the money being siphoned out should be funding them.

If we are to put a stop to corruption and state capture, those responsible must be brought to book.

If we are not honest, we are not going to be able to forge unity.

You can never have unity if you want things to go your way.

We need to make sure that the ANC branches are strong, that they can lead the communities we live in.

We can make this country the garden of Eden.

We need to remind ourselves of the kind of society of which we have dreamed for so long, for which we have fought, and for which so many lost their lives.

It is not the function of the leader of government business to discipline members of the executive.

Climate change is a reality.

South Africa has not turned its back on human rights at all.

Leaders are meant to lead from the front, but at the same time, they are also meant to listen to what their followers are saying.

I have not committed any crimes. I have not stolen any money. I have not looted state resources.

We say South Africa is an open country, and when people come here, we must deal with them with dignity and respect within the parameters of our Constitution.

All our policies must be measured by the extent to which they contribute to job creation. Policies that do not create jobs - or that threaten jobs - must be reviewed and revised.

We are a nation that does not build walls. We do not believe in building walls. And that defines who we are. We are South Africans, and we do not subscribe to the building of walls.

Some say the Constitution has robbed us of a proper land redistribution process. Others would want to look at other clauses. Well, it's South Africa. Everything is transparent and open for debate.

We must be humble and listen to the people who elected us to lead.

Students want free education because their parents are struggling. The fees of universities and technikons are too high.

Whenever you go through the length and breadth of our country... you see a long face: you will see the long face of an African woman because she's black, because she's poor.

Because of their marginalised position in the economy, the mass of the workers carry the burdens of society.

We have to have a good look at the Constitution. Let's determine where the shortcomings are. Then we can start talking of clauses.