The country is yearning to put behind all these horrible things that have to do with corruption, state capture, behind us. The sooner these are all done, the better, because we want to move on; we want to move on to a better life.

We've got to be moving together, working together, leading the country together, and ensuring that we achieve the objectives that our alliance has set out for itself.

There are times when leadership needs to take a bold move forward. And there are times when the leadership needs to act on the basis of what the grass roots say. You need to have your political thermometer constantly in the political waters to know when to give leadership in what way.

When I was appointed deputy president, I accepted it, and it is the president's prerogative to appoint or remove anyone to the Executive.

Tough decisions have to be made to close our fiscal gap, stabilise our debt, and restore our state-owned enterprises to health.

In defence of Madiba's legacy, we will continue to wage a relentless war on corruption and mismanagement of the resources of our country.

Money has come to play a very bad role in the ANC; people's votes are bought, and patronage has become the order of the day. All those deviant tendencies need to be curbed.

To get education to sink deep into the minds of a nation takes a generation and more.

To those who have being stealing government money, it has to come to an end.

We are building a country where a person's prospects are determined by their own initiative and hard work and not by the color of their skin, place of birth, gender, language, or income of their parents.

We should draw deep into Madiba's wisdom. We should draw deep into Madiba's style of doing things in an orderly manner, in a purposeful manner, in a way where we focus.

The ANC must ensure that South Africa does not become a mafia state because once you reach that state, all the wheels have come off.

We want to renew our vows with our people. We want to reconnect with our people. We want to get our people excited again.

Violence against women and children resembles an epidemic. It has spread through society, sparing no social group or class.

Somewhere in the depths of my soul is the connection my father had with his cattle, the hills of Khalavha, and his people.

Land is a very broad as well as a complex issue, and it has to be handled very delicately because around land, there is quite a lot of emotion.

We must acknowledge that there are factions in our movements... We should not be telling lies to each other; we should tell the truth to each other with the view that there will be unity.

We need to transform our rural areas, restore the land to its rightful owners, and significantly grow our agricultural output.

Apartheid was baked hard in the mining industry because that's where it originated.

The expropriation of land without compensation is envisaged as one of the measures that we will use to accelerate redistribution of land to black South Africans.

We are determined to build a society defined by decency and integrity that does not tolerate the plunder of public resources nor the theft by corporate criminals of the hard-earned savings of ordinary people.

We have realized that corruption is rife, and we are going to address it. We are going to root out corruption, and that is a promise I can make.

I will try to work very hard not to disappoint the people of South Africa.

I urge Congress to quickly take up and pass trade promotion authority so we can conclude a TPP agreement. Our position in the world depends on it.