We must pursue immigration reform - it's something we have to do, something that starts with border security.

This is a government program run amok, and we owe it to the taxpayers to find out exactly what happened before Eagle-Net wastes any more money.

He's a nice guy who will never change the Senate. He is the Senate. Eighteen years in politics, and he's got two cousins who are senators, too. Mark Udall's dad even ran for president.

My dad, well, he sells tractors, just like my granddad, and I'm darn proud of that.

One of the things that's always amazed me about people who attack me, saying I'm opposed to renewable energy, is I'm pretty sure I'm the only Republican who had an energy bill vetoed by a Republican governor.

We can't disrespect people for having a different opinion.

If Barack Obama weren't a U.S. citizen, I'm sure Bill and Hillary Clinton would have figured that out by now.

The Republican Party has to be the party of optimism and giving our children a better starting point. We have to make sure we're broader, more inclusive, and reaching out to every community.

Mark Udall votes with President Obama 99 percent of the time.

I believe the climate is changing.

America is a nation of laws, and it is wrong for Congresswoman Markey to propose bending the rules for a group of people whose first act in this country was to break the law.

Any proposal that allows people who are here illegally to cut to the front of the line is amnesty.

I have signed the personhood petition. I have taken the petitions to my church and circulating into my church. And I have a legislative record that backs up my support for life.

Republicans have always talked about having a big tent, but it doesn't do any good if the tent doesn't have any chairs in it. Bringing Latinos to the forefront, bringing women in is absolutely critical.

Any immigration-reform effort must begin first with border security and enforcement of the law.

While our nation's attention is rightly focused on the Middle East, the North Korean threat has grown exponentially, while there seems to be a falling asleep, so to speak, at the switch when it comes to North Korea.

Besides the conventional military threats, North Korean cyber capabilities are growing.

We have to protect the rights of the American people.

Every member of the Senate has a constitutional duty to follow the Constitution and to uphold the Constitution.

We're doing everything we can to solidify my base of support in the 4th Congressional district.

Let's make sure we're doing what we can in our own backyard to gain our energy independence and to create American jobs with American energy.

If China is doing business with a company that ends up putting money back into proliferation activities, then we'll sanction that company and China.

Ted Cruz caught the momentum in Wisconsin that I think that Donald Trump thought was his and his alone.

There's a real question of what the United States could do if we detain somebody out of Syria right now.