The BP settlement is a victory for Alabama: not only for the amount of compensation we were able to secure, but also for avoiding many more years of litigation.

Exxon fought claims resulting from the Exxon Valdez spill in court for 20 years. Alabama could have suffered the same fate. What would be the benefit to the state or its coastal counties in delaying indefinitely the receipt of monies that we need sooner rather than later?

It's frustrating when people question your integrity.

I feel very comfortable being compared to Sen. Sessions.

I've always been supportive of President Trump and his agenda, and that's what people in the state that I talk to care about.

If the federal government believes free contraception is vital, then surely it can find another way to implement it than by forcing family businesses and religious broadcasters and others to violate their religious beliefs.

We need to work as hard as President Trump is working.

There's a learning curve to understanding how the Senate operates.

I pledge to the people of Alabama to continue the same level of leadership as Jeff Sessions in consistently fighting to protect and advance the conservative values we all care about.

Sen. Sessions' commitment to public service is nearly unparalleled in Alabama history, and his departure from the Senate leaves tremendous shoes to fill.

A corporation cannot make a campaign contribution to a candidate for federal office.

Almost every day, you see an article in the papers about someone violating a campaign finance law.

I think more and more business leaders are becoming aware of the impact of the government in their success.

The federal, state, and local governments are involved in virtually every aspect of business.

I have the best job in politics in Alabama. As the attorney general, I just go to work every day and think of a way to sue the Obama Administration. If you don't think that is fun, that is a full-time job.

Daily fantasy sports operators claim that they operate legally under Alabama law. However, paid daily fantasy sports contests are, in fact, illegal gambling under Alabama law.

President Trump is the greatest thing that's happened to this country. I consider it a biblical miracle that he's there.

I'm not backing down on immigration. I'm not backing down on the wall.

I stand with President Trump in the fight to make sanctuary cities pay for the border wall.

I agree with President Trump that our trade deals need to be renegotiated so they are more fair to American workers.

I am confident that President Trump's administration is capable of making the Pentagon run at maximum efficiency and enacting procurement reforms that will get weapons and assets to our warfighters more quickly and efficiently.

To suggest the President of the United States and the head of the free world - the man who is changing the world - is being manipulated by Mitch McConnell is insulting to the president; it's absolutely insulting.

We learn from history. That's what it's all about.

It just worries me that if we start trying to erase history that we can learn from, where does that end? Do you start taking away books people find offensive? It's just a path that seems very dangerous to me in this country.