We have a fabulous civil rights history here in Birmingham.

It's really important if you're in politics to have a loyal friend.

We have a failing Medicaid system, and you know who that's going to hurt in the end are the most vulnerable in people in our society.

We have neglected our aerospace program, and I am detecting a lot of bipartisan support to continue that mission.

I have no doubt that Russia tried to meddle in our election. They're going to continue trying to - just like they have my entire lifetime.

As Attorney General of Alabama, I have never hesitated to stand up to the EPA before when it was wrong.

Tom McMillen was a three-term congressman from Maryland. He is the tallest member of Congress. Period. He's 6'11''.

No one is arguing that the entire Voting Rights Act is unconstitutional. Section 2 is the most important part of the act. It gives people the right to challenge discriminatory laws in court. It applies to the entire nation. It is constitutional, and it will continue to protect all Americans.

The U.S. Military is no place for social experiments.

The BP settlement is good for Alabama, particularly Alabama's coastal region.

As I have said before, our society cannot be truly prosperous until it respects the rights of the most vulnerable among us.

I've got that hands-on experience with federal judges and how important it is to have judges like Neil Gorsuch, who will take a rule-of-law approach to the decision-making process. I think he's eminently qualified.

What I see in Washington reminds me of what I saw in Montgomery when I was first elected Alabama's Attorney General. In Montgomery, corruption was the problem, so I assembled the finest public corruption prosecution team in the country. Their work wasn't always popular with the mainstream media or the local politicians. We didn't let that stop us.

Based on my experience and record, I'm the best person to take Jeff Sessions' place.

Every day, the hard-working men and women of Alabama's Department of Environmental Management are on the ground, protecting Alabama's rivers and lakes in a way that is beneficial to all. EPA should support them in that work, not make it more difficult.

When my good friend Jeff Sessions endorsed Donald Trump, that was good enough for me.

I have been fighting - and winning - against Obama-era experiments with illegal amnesty.

Shame on Congressman Brooks for his lack of faith in President Trump's and Attorney General Sessions' commitment to work together to make America great again.

Short of the passage of a Constitutional Amendment protecting marriage as between one man and one woman, the U.S. Supreme Court has the final say.

As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, my first priority is to ensure the readiness of our military.

As a gun owner and sportsman, I am proud to join NRA members from across the country to make the voice of liberty heard.

Alabama and other states had a terrible record in terms of depriving people of their right to vote, making it difficult for them to vote, discriminating against people.

I'm running because I think I'm the best candidate to take Jeff Sessions' place.

America is very fortunate to have Jeff Sessions as Attorney General.