We must protect those with pre-existing conditions and ensure that every American family has access to quality, affordable health care.

It's truly important that we uplift those who use their skills to develop technology and ideas that benefit our world.

Countless families rely on child care providers to keep their families safe as they help grow their small businesses and work hard. Parents must have a safe place to send their children.

The CDC is an integral part of our community and on the frontlines of our pandemic response, and we must continue to give them more tools to help keep our families safe and healthy.

We all want to support our working mothers. Allowing them simple accommodations can ensure they are able to continue working and provide a living for themselves and their families.

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act will ensure that no pregnant woman is unfairly fired, or forced to risk the health of themselves or their pregnancy, to earn a paycheck. Our mothers deserve these federal protections.

We must do everything we can to ensure the safety of our children.

Together, we will continue to build a stronger, more inclusive community, and send a strong message to those who spread hate: there is no room for prejudice in our neighborhoods.

I truly enjoy hearing from our community about the issues that matter most. It's conversations like these that shape our community and drive my work to pursue common-sense solutions that protect our families, lower health care costs, uplift our veterans, and support our local businesses.

Taking care of our veterans is one of my top priorities, and I am especially concerned on behalf of our women veterans.

Protecting the USPS means protecting the essential services it provides our nation.

Our veterans, and especially our women veterans, need our support and the support of one another.

We recognize and truly believe that women's stories have the power to transform the world.

The courage and leadership March for Our Lives has shown is a testament to the power our young people have in this country, to make our country stronger while protecting our friends, families, and loved ones. The work survivors and advocates across the country have done to keep families safe matters.

I'm a two-time breast cancer survivor who lives with pre-existing conditions every day, and I know the uncertainty people face if they can't get their medicine.

Even in national crisis, it is important that we continue to stand up for our community and follow where our faith leads us.

I am proud that generations of Jewish Americans have chosen to make this state their home; Georgia has been better for it.

Jewish Americans have a long and proud history in Georgia and in the United States. Their story is inherently American - it is one of resilience in the face of persecution and a commitment to creating a better world.

I am a strong supporter and proponent of the Second Amendment. Always have been.

It's not about infringing upon the rights of people to own guns as gun enthusiasts or hunters, but what it is, is it is getting people to understand that we have to put in place common-sense measures. Just basic measures to keep guns out of the hands of individuals that should not have them.

As a young woman, I was always interested in lobbying. I thought to find a cause you're passionate about, to really work on behalf of that cause, work on lobbying your state legislatures or your federal legislatures, that was of interest to me.

My father acted as the Illinois Branch president of the NAACP and so we spent a lot of time in the marches and the rallies working on behalf of people of color.

It is high time our government take action and do everything in its power to help reduce gun violence in America and save lives.

I have been able to pass a number of pieces of legislation that have actually been signed into law by President Trump, which is a difficult thing in itself to get a bill passed.