The CDC has always been an example of unbiased and thorough medical research, both in America and around the world, and we must continue to provide the doctors and experts at the CDC the resources they need to help solve and prevent public health crises.

Severe weather can come at any time, and millions of people are impacted by storms each year. Truly, the best defense against severe weather is for families to create an emergency plan, practice that plan, and always stay alert and ready.

We have the power, as lawmakers, to find ways to support our young men and identify solutions to the hardships they regularly experience.

The United States Postal Service is one of America's oldest and most well-loved institutions. Thanks to the Postal Service, families can send letters and packages to loved ones they have not seen in months, small businesses are able to ship products to their customers, and many veterans and seniors can safely receive lifesaving medications.

The Passover story is a reminder that our unity is our strength, and that there is nothing we cannot overcome, together.

Like the majority of Atlanta's residents, I am Black. Our city helped birth the modern civil rights movement, and I am the daughter of a civil rights leader.

Whether it's racism, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia, xenophobia, religious intolerance or other bias - we demand to live in a country where we can be safe to be who we are, believe what we want and love whomever we want.

Small businesses are the heart of a thriving community and vital to the American economy, and there isn't one in Georgia or across our country that hasn't been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

Just like it would be wrong to have a player referee a game, it's wrong for election officials to participate in federal campaigns.

Marginalized Americans should not be defined by the verbal and physical violence that looms over our heads. We have a right to exist, to live as we choose and to be free to pursue our happiness without the fear of others demonizing us or harming us just because of who we are.

Stand Your Ground laws make all of us more vulnerable to the threat of gun violence, but they also have a disproportionate impact on communities of color.

I have a unique lens on how the extreme priorities of the NRA's leaders are dangerous for America, Atlanta and communities of color.

My son is not a tactic to be used in political arenas for relevancy and points.

On September 11, 2001, America suffered an unimaginable tragedy and witnessed the incredible heroism of hundreds of first responders who rushed into the World Trade Center to save lives.

As the daughter of a civil rights leader, I believe in the power that compels people to stand up for their freedoms, for justice and opportunity. I know that marching inspires people to take an active role in creating positive change for a better America.

The last thing we need in Missouri is more violence and strife in our communities.

I grew up in Illinois in an environment where my parents were very politically active in the civil rights movement.

Background checks will never stop every criminal from getting their hands on a gun and every single act of gun violence - but the evidence is clear that it's the single most effective policy to help keep guns out of dangerous hands and save lives.

I know parents across America remain sick with worry about the safety of their children. I feel that anguish.

Donald Trump is correct when he suggests that African-Americans are outraged by gun violence.

We know that gun violence disproportionately affects Black people in this country, and that was no exception with my son Jordan.

While our country has made great strides, the Jewish community is still the target of anti-Semitism, and we must continue to stand against all forms of hate, violence, and bigotry.

One of my first priorities as a new member of Congress in 2019 was to visit the CDC and learn firsthand about what they needed to help protect Americans. After my visit, I learned their budget had previously been cut, and that they needed funding to modernize their data systems to help prevent pandemics and other public health crises.

As Americans we are no strangers to hate-fueled rhetoric.