Members of the workforce must feel valued.

Workers' rights must be respected.

Stress is part of life. It is something we all experience from time to time. Sometimes it reflects our own busy lifestyles or key moments such as exams, moving house, organising an event, or coping with a bereavement. Often it is associated with work: meeting a deadline, dealing with difficult people, or meeting stretching targets.

Performers put their heart and soul into their art, and can be subject to highly personal attacks and criticism. The tone and language of reviews, or commentary on social media, can be bruising and severe. Everyone is a critic. All of this adds to the stress and anxiety suffered by people in the performing arts.

I have long argued for the arts to have the recognition and funding they need, not only because they brighten our lives, but also because they make a tangible contribution to our national economy.

If you walk into A&E with a broken bone you expect it to be fixed. If you need help because you've got a mental health condition you should get that help and support.

We strive for equality and equality in mental health matters as much as anything else. I see it as an imperative, not a choice.

Twitter has made some improvements on the site and it's important that you can report people - but when you are getting the level of abuse I was, it's an onerous task reporting each and every person.

Online hate needs to be taken as seriously as offline hate - but it isn't.

The Liberal Democrats are unequivocal in wanting to stop Brexit and are committed to securing Britain's future as a tolerant, open and inclusive society.

No one anticipated the SNP wiping out Labour in Scotland in 2015.

Politics is no longer being fought on traditional political lines.

If we can't behave and speak in tune with our values, then they aren't really our values.

Banning smoking in vehicles with children in them will help protect them from the misery of smoking-related diseases, from cancer to asthma and emphysema.

All governments could do more on mental health.

If you don't support people with mental illnesses they are more likely to develop a physical illness too and that is challenging.

I suppose I have been contending with issues surrounding my safety and security for years.

I'm very worried about the future for women in politics.

When I started my undergraduate course at Birmingham University, as a Jewish student it was a natural step to join the Union of Jewish Students (UJS).

As Liberal Democrats, our plan is to stop Brexit and with it the nurse tax and other barriers to E.U. nurses coming to work in our NHS.

To resign from the front bench is not a decision to be taken lightly.

Nothing undermines faith in our political system than politicians going back on their word.

It is overwhelmingly women who will plug the gaps in care provision, sacrificing paid employment to look after family members.

A failing social care system will have long-lasting repercussions for all, but it is women who are likely to be worst hit.