Labour's priorities are clear: jobs and the economy must come first; not party interests or ideological fantasies.

I think most people accept that it is necessary to have some surveillance in a democratic society. I think most people accept that it's important to have limits and clear safeguards on that.

Rights compliance helps effective outcomes, it does not hinder them. That should come as no surprise because the 'human rights' in the Human Rights Act are the rights adopted in the aftermath of the horrors of the second world war, and are designed to protect all of us from oppression.

For far too long, victims' rights have been discussed only in the context of sentencing. Sentencing is very important, but the debate obscures something much more fundamental: most victims have so little faith in our criminal justice system that they do not access it at all.

Flanked on both sides, organized forces on the Left and the Right have made every effort to topple Trump, but these efforts have only served to embolden him and broaden his support.

The punditry snicker, the politicians sneer, and the editorialists scoff, but the American people speak and Donald J. Trump rises - commandingly so - confounding the powerful institutions of Washington D.C. and New York and earning him the ire of both.

If you think a candidate is electable and has the adeptness to be president, that's one thing. Elect him for these factors, not because he's likeable.

Having the ability to inspire a crowd and connect with voters doesn't mean a person has the skills to appease those same voters once in office.

The presidential race should not be a battle of personalities.

The Democrats' radicalism does not end with illegal immigration and health care. It extends into other aspects of their policy platforms.

The radicalized populace in liberal havens like California and New York seek to impose their socialist utopian ideology on those law-abiding, everyday Americans who live in what elite, coastal liberals derisively refer to as 'flyover country.'

Rather than depriving Trump of political victories, Democrats ought to focus on delivering victories for the American people.

In offering deals on immigration, infrastructure, and prison reform, President Trump has demonstrated that he is ready for compromise. But will Democrats take up his offer?

I imagine the Wall Street protesters would embrace Greece's unusually generous benefits and massive welfare state, which were put in place by Socialist Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou in the 1980s.

We all know the story of the prodigal son. Confident he knows what is best for him, he recklessly squanders his inheritance. The Occupy Wall Streeters are just that, the prodigal protesters.

In reality, if Democrats truly cared about solutions to our immigration crisis they would have done so long ago - like in 2009, when they controlled the entire federal government and maintained a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.

The Trump administration recognizes that most refugees and immigrants are good people, but practical and temporary measures must be taken to keep this nation safe from the few bad individuals who seek to harm us.

To be sure, most immigrants are good and most Muslims are peaceful.

From aloof academics to career government cronies, President Barack Obama filled his Cabinet with individuals whose greatest achievements were dreaming up unworkable Democratic utopias from the far off perches of academia and Washington bureaucracy.

The truth is liberals are using every tactic possible to drown the Trump presidency.

False allegations of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and now lying each have their own chapter in the Trump takedown playbook.

The 'inability to have a dialogue' is increasingly the norm in academia. Conservative thought is not just unwelcome, oftentimes it is banished altogether.

Home to some of our nation's civil rights leaders, Harvard Law is not a bigoted hub of racism but a place where men and women of all races peacefully co-exist in pursuit of higher education.

Kushner is the victim of exaggerated speculation supported by little evidence. Because of his affiliation with the Trump White House and the Trump family, he is subject to the perverse standard of guilty until proven innocent. It is a grotesque miscarriage of justice indeed.