To compare the United States of America - the beacon of the free world - to the brutal North Korean dictatorship is as insulting as it is asinine.

Unlike the Obama Cabinet, the Trump Cabinet is not comprised of do-nothing bureaucrats, who worked their way up the twisted, scheme-ridden Washington ladder; rather, they are doers, achievers, and leaders, who have attained the heights of greatness in their particular fields.

Rather than embracing mainstream, majority-held positions, 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have made it exceedingly clear that they will sacrifice themselves on the altar of the radical left - endorsing positions held by a select few and fueling an unstoppable tailwind behind President Trump's reelection.

As a Donald Trump supporter, the battle to elevate the will of the people above that of the establishment is one with which I empathize.

Neither an almost $35 million Mueller investigation, ending in an exonerating report, nor a sham impeachment effort could deter Trump from moving forward with the business of the American people.

A vote for Donald J. Trump is a vote for renewed American greatness.

Nothing could be more contrary to American values than the mob-like mentality and socialist precepts pushed by the far left. They seek nothing less than the complete destruction of the basis on which America was founded.

At certain moments, both the WEEE Act and the First Step Act appeared doomed to dead end in partisan gridlock and procedural hurdles.

The truth is on the side of President Trump.

Prison reform, peace, and a presidential pardon - just a portion of Kushner's portfolio.

Whether black or white, we are all Americans, and we should stand united against the horrid and tragic loss of one of our brothers. Anything less is simply not the American way.

The night before my mastectomy, I had done my best to keep my mind off of the impending procedure. My family and I went to the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey game, where I binged on pizza and ice cream and took full advantage of the doctor's advice to eat up the night before since I had to begin fasting at midnight.

The very welfare state the Occupy Wall Street protesters so eagerly applaud is what has saddled Greece with colossal debt and left its economy on the brink of collapse, igniting violent protests across the nation.

I live free of fear and full of hope.

Though you may not have heard much about it, Kushner is working with steadfast focus on advocating for the American people, bringing government and its technology into alignment with the people's needs and finally ending the Washington swamp's status quo.

Far from being imbeciles, as the left would have you believe, Trump has assembled a Cabinet of the nation's best. This, of course, is unpalatable to the Washington elite, who only find worth in a long list of public sector titles.

America's bastions of free thought have become hubs of suppression. If you're on the left, riot in the streets without repercussion. But if you're on the right, speak at your own peril.

The radical Left wants control over the lives of the American people and will sink to any depths to get it.

It is clear that the radical left has taken over the Democratic Party, leaving behind the party of John F. Kennedy.

The coronavirus has yet again exposed the strong contrast between President Trump - who is working ardently for the American people - and a Democratic Party with little interest in anything besides taking him down. President Trump, for his part, has taken unprecedented action to thwart the spread of the virus.

My post-mastectomy life is not one embattled but emboldened.

When choosing the president of the United States and the leader of the free world, your desire to have a beer with a candidate should be your last concern. Let's keep our president in the Oval Office and out of the bars.

Sensationalism is entertaining, but substance is what matters.

My political career began on the other side of the fence from the liberal filmmaker Michael Moore - both literally and figuratively. As a young intern for the Bush-Cheney 2004 campaign, I was tasked with attending a Moore rally four days before the general election.