In the 1980s, Democrats enthusiastically helped President Reagan pass his tax reforms, which made the tax system fairer and more efficient in addition to reducing rates.

The media's apoplectic reaction to 2018 tax refunds displays a fundamental misunderstanding of the U.S. tax code and the very notion of what a refund actually is.

President Trump has doubled the Child Tax Credit and added thousands back into the average Americans' paycheck through tax cuts and wage growth.

The American public recognizes truth versus assumption, presumptions, and the personal opinions of witnesses without firsthand knowledge.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., whose youthful dreams of being a successful Hollywood screenwriter never materialized, is proving to the world that he does indeed have a talent for concocting fictional stories.

Though many in the media do their best to conceal the achievements of President Trump on behalf of women, we are confident that women nationwide have taken notice and will use the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage to reelect President Trump on November 3, 2020.

Since the election of President-elect Donald Trump, Democrats have repeatedly blamed everyone and everything for the loss of Hillary Clinton except for Clinton herself.

President Trump is enforcing U.S. immigration law, and in doing so, protecting the well-being and in some cases the lives of U.S. citizens.

I admit that, for the first month of his candidacy, I had my concerns about Trump. I questioned, for example, whether someone with such cutting yet candid honesty, a candidate who veered so sharply from so many of the usual political expectations, could ever become president.

With regard to the Constitution, the power to create 'a uniform rule of naturalization' does not rest in Article II, but in Article I, making it a power of Congress and not the President.

The Democrats have shown little interest in legislating, but unlimited interested in investigating every aspect of President Trump's life. It's a wonder they haven't subpoenaed his elementary school report cards.

Opting for conspiracy over facts and partisanship over constitutional principles, Democrats have chosen to ignore the damning evidence of wrongdoing by the Obama-era FBI.

While women were finally given the right to vote in the United States with the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920, the Republican Party began to pave the way for women's suffrage decades earlier.

Indeed, President Trump has proven himself the professional - the adult in the room as Democrats act like small children, incapable of stepping up to the task at hand and certainly incapable of leading the nation.

There is simply no denying the continued success of the Trump economy.

Bastions of free-flowing discussion with civil exchange are the academic ideal. But during my time in academia, it became increasingly clear that prisons of political correctness with peer-engendered public shaming are now the academic reality.

TThe 2016 election highlighted a deep, stark divide between how the political and punditry class think - and how the American people vote.

Schiff has pre-scripted a televised production titled 'The Impeachment Inquiry Against President Trump.' The story would likely be deemed too absurd and too boring to make it onto the silver screen as a drama, though it might succeed as a comedic farce - too silly to be taken seriously.

The First Step Act, the WEEE Act, and President Trump's infrastructure and immigration compromise plans all serve as examples of Trump administration outreach to the Democrats.

We as Americans should all be concerned with the smearing of the Trump administration and unfounded allegations of collusion with the Russians.

It's easy to dismiss terrorism and point to its rarity, until someone you know and love becomes a victim of it.

Hope springs eternal, even for hopeless crusades.

Perhaps the seemingly never-ending quest by Democrats to delegitimize the will of the American people and the election of Trump as president was really designed to distract from what we now know to be true: In 2016, the only presidential campaign that colluded with foreign nationals, Russia included, was the Clinton campaign.

One of the left's favorite refrains is falsely caricaturing Republican candidates as 'racist' and 'xenophobic,' throwing out 'dog whistles' to fuel racial sentiments.