People are realizing if they jump across our border and they have a child with them they can raise their hand and claim asylum and they will be caught and released into the homeland.

The asylum process is being completely taken advantage of.

The Turks have not been historically good about keeping pressure on ISIS.

It is a miracle that I can see at all and continue serving the American people.

I have a thick skin.

Why can't we give the American people a break and separate humor from politics?

As veterans we should be smarter about how we talk about things.

I know from my experience as a Navy SEAL that barriers work.

Flooding is the most urgent issue that Houstonians are facing.

There's bipartisan efforts to change how FEMA works or, more importantly, change how relief funding trickles down to us down here.

If you think winning means a porous border with 400,000 people apprehended illegally every year, then your definition of winning is different than mine.

Americans can forgive one another.

We have to make conservatism cool and exciting again.

I want you to say 'Never Forget' because when you say 'Never Forget' you're thanking that veteran in a different way. You're allowing them to be thankful for the idea for the fact that as an American you're in it with them. We're in it together and we don't forget together.

Everybody says 'Thank you for your service' and I'll tell you what, veterans really appreciate that.

Everybody has a purpose in this world.

We can prove to the American people that fixing the crisis at our border is more important than scoring political points.

One must be deliberately ignoring reality to pretend that our asylum process is not being abused.

As Americans, we have to be honest and ask ourselves a question: Do we really want to tone down politics? I always hear a resounding 'yes,' and I think most people mean that genuinely. But do our practices ever change?

I mean, the idea of a government shutdown, it's a consequence of our system.

The president is under no obligation to sign the spending bills that Congress gives to him. And once that happens, once he says no, then you're supposed to negotiate.

For those of us living in Texas and other border states, the reality of an open and unsecured border is a part of everyday life.

The allies we formerly relied on - the Kurds and the Syrian Democratic Forces - will have little interest in helping us after we abandon them to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Each day I wake up and check the news. Nearly every day it's merely to make sure I did not miss anything wildly controversial. Who said what, what are the implications of that comment, what was the context of what was said? Some days are slow, which is great. We can focus on a particular policy issue or piece of legislation.