Because of a massive backlog of asylum cases and an inability to quickly adjudicate and enforce them, more migrants are making the journey to our border.

It's OK to say whatever you want. It's a free country. And it's also OK for the rest of us to say 'We don't like what you're saying.' That's actually our job as members of Congress.

When you say 'never forget' to a veteran, you are implying that, as an American, you are in it with them.

We are not anti-immigration. We are against chain migration, except for the nuclear family. We want a merit-based system that is really based on economic needs.

We utilize social media, we try to connect with voters in a way that's not only about politics. Letting people into your lives.

I believe that the role of government is for the government to protect the God-given rights we have and to ensure that we live as free as possible.

When you label them, when one of the most powerful social media companies in the world labels people as Nazis, you could make the argument that's inciting violence.

We can prove that we are in the business of governing responsibly, upholding our rule of law, and giving priority to those immigrants willing to apply legally versus those who leverage our system's loopholes.

In Afghanistan and Iraq we would often get cowardly fire and rounds hitting us from the sides but we just hunker down and keep going, we don't turn the mission around.

Houston's been getting flooded for a very long time. We always have to prepare for disasters and we have to do this in a very bipartisan way.

We should get young people to be more concerned about our debt and point out to them that promising them more all the time is a completely unsustainable way of being and that it's a lie to say that the top one percent are going to pay for it.

When you call somebody a Nazi, you can make the argument that you're inciting violence and here's how: As a country, we all agree that Nazis are bad. We actually invaded an entire continent to defeat the Nazis.

Our good intentions have gotten in our own way and it's bad for immigrants.

Well-intentioned liberalism always leads to progressivism. There's no choice there. Once that action is taken the only thing you can run on is totalitarianism - you have no choice.

Voters have consistently brought up the topic of 'endless wars' and demands to 'bring the troops home' to me since I ran for office. It's not a left-right issue, either: Both sides question our military presence abroad.

The judicial system is really taking an activist role in preventing Trump from implementing his agenda.

The left is really good at selling bad ideas and the right is really bad at selling good ideas.

You know you don't want to see somebody in that kind of position to the point where they're actually putting out a cry for help on social media. That's not a good place to be in.

Even if we were able to agree on an ideal set of immigration laws, enforcing such laws in the face of hundreds of thousands of cases is impossible in practice.

There are a lot of veterans out there who would not think their wounds would be the source of poor jokes in bad taste to a hysterically laughing audience.

When Democrats are proposing things like a Green New Deal and Medicare for all and proposing that they take away your private insurance... it's very obvious to people that they've gone in a radical direction that will not work.

Rebuilding the civic fabric of Central American countries is the only long-term solution to stemming the flow of illegal migration, and without Mexico as a willing partner, the U.S. will continue to fight an impossibly uphill battle.

We bring the fight to the enemy so that they don't bring it to us.

I have always disliked it when politicians start pandering to veterans and telling us how bad we have it and that if we just vote for them that they will fix all of our problems.