Sanctuary city policies disrespect the rule of law in this country.

Air service is an important asset for rural communities in Mississippi.

The VA MISSION Act signed into law by President Trump will do a great deal to improve access to health care for rural veterans but it will require vigilance to ensure we provide annual appropriations needed to implement it.

I'm proud to serve on the Senate Agriculture Committee.

The congressional tradition of escaping the nation's capital in August dates back to the time before air conditioning when Senators would race home before the summer heat reached its peak. I've got an advantage over many of my colleagues because we in Mississippi know something about summer heat.

President Trump has selected qualified, conservative nominees to serve in the federal judiciary and his administration.

Many veterans in Mississippi struggle with the bureaucratic process of the Veterans Administration.

The responsibility for keeping our commitments to veterans falls on the federal government.

Generations of American men and women have served our country in the Armed Forces and sacrificed to protect our freedoms.

I'm pleased to support legislation to guarantee Israel has the resources to protect itself from existing and evolving threats from Iran, Hezbollah, and other bad actors.

Strengthening our critical strategic alliance with Israel is in U.S. security interests and the absolute right thing to do for our closest friend in a very dangerous part of the world.

I am humbled and inspired by the ultimate sacrifice made by so many Mississippians on behalf of our nation, and the families they left behind.

Memorial Day is a special day to take pause and pay tribute to those brave men and women who lost their lives defending our country and preserving our way of life.

It is an honor to support strong legislation to make it easier for our veterans to receive the care promised to them by a grateful nation.

Many of Mississippi's veterans and their families know the hardship associated with driving long distances to access VA healthcare benefits.

I firmly believe in the sanctity of life.

The challenges facing our Armed Forces are increasingly complex.

Filling a vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court is a solemn process for our nation, and I hope Senate consideration of Judge Barrett will not descend into the dishonorable spectacle that Americans witnessed during the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The Pledge of Allegiance was founded on ideals of religious freedom, and has been a valuable part of our national life for generations.

There are any number of reasons many talented people, particularly women, leave their careers for a period of time.

A national standard for recognizing the occupational licenses of military spouses across state lines would have many potential benefits. It would help improve military family life, add to the economy, and, importantly, allow a military spouse to fulfill their career goals.

Mississippi is a welcoming duty station for servicemembers and their working spouses.

Justice Ginsburg devoted her life to the law, becoming one of the most respected and influential woman in our time. I appreciate her dedication and service to the nation.

The financial hardships caused by COVID-19 puts some renters and homeowners at risk of becoming homeless, which could mean greater risk of contracting and spreading the coronavirus for families.