I'm pleased with our state's willingness to support responsible off-shore energy production while also giving special focus to enhance the beautiful Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Mississippi catfish producers deserve to compete on a level playing field with foreign producers, and, more importantly, American consumers need to be confident that the catfish they serve their families is healthy, safe, and free of dangerous chemicals.

The economic importance of small businesses in Mississippi has always been significant, and it's well positioned to increase.

Having individuals who are prepared to work is helping small business owners succeed and expand.

Good stewardship of the environment and our natural resources is necessary.

I support greater access to the Internet, but going back to Obama-era regulations is not the answer.

The Internet, like most successful American innovations, have not thrived because of heavy-handed government regulation.

Completing annual appropriations bills would be an important step in responsible federal budgeting.

Congress must simply do more to eliminate waste and be good stewards of taxpayer dollars.

Deficits and debt threaten the growing American economy and our national security over the long term.

My heart goes out to the families of our fallen officers.

We all have a role in keeping our communities safe. We also owe a measure of gratitude to the men and women in law enforcement who dedicate their lives on a daily basis to protect us.

When I was in the Mississippi Legislature, we worked to establish the Mississippi Rural Physicians Scholarship Program to help address the shortage of physicians in the rural areas of the state.

I know firsthand how our being such a rural state presents challenges to healthcare.

I am from Brookhaven, a small town in Southwest Mississippi.

President Trump is right to get out of the Iran Nuclear Deal and impose economic sanctions in order to force a more legitimate agreement to fight the threat Iran poses to our interests, our allies, and peace in the region.

The American people expect their government to manage their hard-earned tax dollars responsibly.

President Trump and his administration have made an intensive effort to roll back President Obama's big-government regulations, the worst of which was the Waters of the United States rule. That rule was the poster child for overreaching bureaucrats giving the federal government far-reaching powers over individual landowners.

Leveraging the global finance system against Iran and other rogue nations that sponsor terrorism is a position I'm happy to take.

I am committed to doing everything I can to represent the priorities of all Mississippians, and will continue to work to advance the needs of our state and the nation.

Union membership should not be a condition for employment, and workers should have the freedom to exercise their right to determine how their hard-earned money is spent.

Music copyright and licensing laws haven't kept up with technology or the times. The Music Modernization Act fixes that with a comprehensive set of reforms that will help musicians receive royalties they are owed while ensuring the public has access to that music.

Music is in Mississippi's DNA, whether it's the blues, country music, folk, or rock 'n' roll. It's not just a source of cultural pride, but also a strong contributor to our economy.

I believe Judge Kavanaugh will be a justice whose adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law will be a credit to the Court and all Americans.