Film stars and players can be sources of entertainment but never ideals.

We have not let injustice to be done to anyone. We have been following the policy of 'justice to all, appeasement of none.'

We must have the approach of 'zero tolerance' against any type of terrorism.

I would like to say that to mislead the youth is not only deceit but a crime.

Christianity's all sects are found only in India.

There should be whole-hearted, full commitment to remove poverty - only we are doing it.

Kashmiri children are our children... it is our duty to protect them.

Our soldiers in Siachen are performing their duty with great courage and fortitude, even in extreme conditions and treacherous terrain.

We have freedom of religion in our country, yet we must guard against forcible conversions or through pecuniary enticements.

Today, youths say 'Hi and Bye' even to their parents. Instead, they should touch parents' feet as a mark of respect.

If we want to make India strong, we need cooperation of every citizen and develop capability of all Indians.

It is people like Chandrashekhar Azad and Bhagat Singh who should be the ideals.

Kashmir is ours, Kashmiris are ours, and Kashmiriyat is also ours.

Irrespective of the tasks given to me, I have done my best to discharge my duties.

When knowledge is cut off from traditional values, it becomes disastrous.

Civilisations which get cut off from their traditions and values do not survive for long.

The common man is sick of rising prices, growing corruption, lack of jobs, and on various other counts. They know that the United Progressive Alliance government led by Dr. Manmohan Singh is not capable of delivering, and hence, they want to get rid of this government.

We will not make country great by creating hatred.

Those who are not giving up their nefarious activities even in the holy month of Ramzan, should their activities not be called unholy?

All have the right to speak, do whatever they want in democracy, but no one will be allowed to destabilise the country or create violence.

Islamic State is not a threat for any particular country but for the entire world. India is alert about IS.

Terrorism knows no boundaries and doesn't respect nations' sovereignties.

Caste coalitions will disintegrate in front of good governance.

The world over, it was believed that, down the line, India will emerge as a major economy along with U.S. and China.