We should not listen to those who continue to repeat the disproved doom-mongering of 'Project Fear.'

We can be a free and independent country and will prosper if given a proper chance.

Magna Carta and the Civil War were about the power to tax.

Far from doing what it can to ensure that the companies and entrepreneurs of tomorrow are European, the E.U. actively stifles innovation.

Our police officers are on the front line of a battle to maintain control of our streets.

In times of crisis, the world looks to Britain not just for our work on the ground, but also for our leadership.

When the world faces its biggest challenges, it looks to Britain to show the strong leadership needed to overcome them.

The only way to keep the British economy secure is to leave the E.U.

The ability to control our borders stands at the heart of the debate on whether or not Britain should leave the European Union.

Britain's generosity in the world has allowed us to help the poorest countries to get on the road to industrialisation through economic development and private sector investment in the world's most difficult frontier markets, where jobs and economic opportunities are desperately needed.

One of the things that is great about this country is that we're a meritocracy. Aspirational, hard-working people who want to come here - and who have the talent and skills to contribute to our economy and society - are very welcome.

We are a free and independent country and will prosper if given a proper chance.

A dynamic Britain, free from the E.U., can be the greatest force of good in the world.

We all have legitimate concerns over the way our personal data is used and stored and it is right that there are protections to stop the theft and manipulation of our private information.

The British public cannot be treated like fools.

Instead of embracing change, the E.U.'s precautionary principle has held back progress.

I know at first-hand the importance of hard work and the value of work experience.

If your country isn't stable and free from the threat of violence then you can't get to work, you can't get to the local clinic and your children can't go to school.

For centuries our wealth has come from our ambition, entrepreneurial skills and global reach.

London is the only true global capital market in Europe and E.U. companies still need access our large liquid markets.

We can do a much better job free of protectionist Europeans.

I know the value and significance of trading opportunities and have seen myself from Americas to the Far East the power of trade and open markets.

No country has left the E.U. since Greenland in 1985 and no one believes that delivering what the people voted for will be a walk in the park, so it's important that the person ultimately chosen by the party membership is tried and tested, capable of making tough decisions and can lead a team negotiating with E.U. institutions.

Whether it was in the 1980s under Margaret Thatcher, the 1950s under Churchill and Macmillan or in the early days of the Cameron administration, when our party has spoken for the people we have won.