The no-first-use policy for nuclear weapons was a well thought out stand... We don't intend to reverse it.

The people of Kashmir are our people, and we will do everything to ensure they are a part of the process of making India an economic superpower.

The prime minister does not represent a particular political party; he is a representative of the whole country.

Every institution has its own dignity, and if people don't respect the dignity of those institutions, it affects the whole system.

Even small challenges are big challenges for me. I take all challenges seriously. I do not differentiate between big and small challenges.

As far as women's security is concerned, our government is committed to the cause.

My view is that politics should be on the basis of issues.

Kashmiris are highly talented. So many become IPS and IAS officers. Kashmiris have the potential to lead the nation.

Politics should be done by earning love and affection and by winning the hearts.

You cannot do politics by breaking the society into pieces or creating hatred.

Atalji has done a lot for the country, and so has Modiji.

When I was the BJP president, I had fixed 33% for women in organisational posts. And BJP became the first party, not only in the country but in the world, to introduce women reservation in the organisation.

On women empowerment, no one can challenge the BJP.

As a matter of principle, we are opposed to destabilising a stable government, and I believe in the norms of healthy democracy.

Poverty should not just be made an issue - there is need to actually work on it.

Appeal for votes should not be made on basis of caste, creed, or communal. In a healthy democracy, this is not expected from any political leader.

President or Prime Minister are not any individuals. They are an institutions in itself, and in democracy, we should ensure that the dignity of the institutions is not lowered.

We never believe in divisive politics; we always work for an inclusive politics.

BJP's ideology doesn't permit discrimination on the basis of caste, sect, or religion. Everyone born in India is equal for us.

I have never, ever in my life practised politics on the basis of caste, sect, or religion.

The Kashmir problem is a very old one and has been a major challenge for all governments.

We do not worry about how a sovereign country keeps its relations with others.

We never want to expand our borders... but I can say that our security forces and defence forces possess all the might to protect our borders.

Safety and security of women and children will determine the well-being and strength of our nations.