To deliver Brexit you must believe in it.

On the Left, there is an emerging nostalgia on for renationalisation as a panacea for all our economic challenges. Every train fare increase, water price rise or electricity rate change triggers a well-orchestrated hue and cry for our essential infrastructure to be taken back into public hands.

With our educated workforce, our language as the international language of commerce, we are ideally geographically located to prepare for success. Following Brexit, we will have the tools at our disposal to take advantage of these attributes, and to benefit from the new opportunities that are emerging around the world.

The case for open markets, free trade, private investment and technology has never been stronger in development. Over the decades, this combination has driven down poverty, helped to tackle disease, and created jobs across the globe.

The Single Market and Customs Union is not a true 'free' market. It is designed to suit the E.U. insiders, not the U.K.

When Secretary of State for International Development, it was my mission to ensure that every taxpayer pound was spent to serve those in need, and met U.K. development objectives.

We have legislated to protect the public from tax rises and guarantee incomes for pensioners, so enshrining in law more protections for consumers, commuters and investors is possible. Enshrining these rights into law would mean that any future government which wanted to reverse this would have to go through the primary legislative process.

My father set up his first business in the 1970s so that he could support his family.

Free from the shackles of the E.U. - and an automatic right of entry for their citizens, with or without work - we will be able to give the type of preference to brilliant scientists, academics and highly-skilled workers that we want to see more of.

One of the reasons people voted to leave the E.U. is so that we could have the freedom to strike trade deals with countries outside the E.U. Staying locked into the customs union prevents this.

Crime and violence are a threat to the freedom and liberty people should enjoy and to our orderly way of life.

Conservatives in Government must make the case that lowering the tax burden boosts economic growth and leads to an increase in tax revenues.

The challenges of delivering more housing so people can enjoy the benefits of home ownership and improving standards and choice in public services can also be met with a strong Conservative policy agenda.

Brexit will not be easy.

Our young people are some of the most dynamic and determined in the world.

Embracing the freedom of Brexit gives us the choice of what sort of country we want to become and means we can look forward to a more positive tomorrow.

The American Revolution was sparked by a series of taxes and tariffs on tea. More recently, the Thatcher and Reagan 'revolutions' were rooted in overturning the status quo - excessive taxation - to empower the individual and encourage a free society and prosperous economy.

Free trade is the way to bring jobs and prosperity.

The end of free movement means that we will be able to consider the impact on the existing labour market when determining whether we want unskilled workers from the E.U. to be able to come to the U.K.

We need to create jobs across Africa and provide its growing population with a route out of poverty where they are.

The public wants to know that their political leaders will stay true to the promise made to them that Brexit means Brexit.

The countries that succeed will be those that are nimble and able to use their human capital to take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

The Tory party is at is strongest when it is in tune with the hopes and aspirations of Britain's hard-working, law-abiding majority, and when it governs through clear Conservative principles.

The European Union is becoming more economically feeble every year.