Geoffrey Howe's Budget of 1981 is remembered for transforming the economy and delivering economic freedoms to families and businesses.

Finding out whether I had made the grades for my first choice university course or whether I needed to rethink my future was terrifying.

When it's well managed, migration works in the national interest, for our communities, economy and country.

I campaigned for Brexit because I have always believed that Britain would be stronger, more prosperous and secure outside of the E.U.

There is so much for the U.K. to be proud of - a world-class, modern economy and a free, fair and tolerant society.

With a post Brexit economic policy that sets our economy and country on the right track, with new freedoms, the U.K. will exercise greater fiscal flexibility and regulatory reform to transform our country into a dynamic engine of prosperity, job creation and growth.

Freedom from the E.U. can only be beneficial for our country. We could finally take control of our immigration policies, introduce a fairer system, and keep numbers at a sustainable level that benefits our economy.

In a world of serious threats, Britain stands tall, saving lives and building a more prosperous, stable future for all.

As the great advocates of trade and liberal markets, Conservatives should guide our country through the transition from being one of twenty-eight in the E.U. to a strong, sovereign and independent country.

I have long witnessed the enormous contribution Britain makes around the world, with our impact through multilateral as well as through our bilateral engagement.

The E.U., its institutions, structure and ways of working are an anachronism.

As a nation, we face a choice. With parts of the world on fire, can we ignore the despair beyond our borders? Or do we use our global influence and leadership to confront these challenges head-on?

Britain is at its best when we stand up for the values that we believe in.

Putting more money into families' pockets will help them with the rising cost of living, and reducing the tax burden on business will help foster the entrepreneurial spirit of those who want to start-up or grow their own firms.

As the party that believes in economic freedom and low taxes, it is scandalous that we have presided over the tax burden rising for hardworking families and businesses.

Here in the U.K., our government is committed to building a society that works for everyone - not just a privileged few. We must do exactly the same abroad.

The British people voted to take back control of our borders, trade, money and laws. They chose a bright future as a free, independent and sovereign country.

No self-respecting country - especially one with our clout and proud history - should sign up to a proposal that surrenders the power to veto our foreign and trade policy to another entity.

Britain is a proud nation of entrepreneurs, and small businesses are the backbone of our economy.

The E.U. must see us prepare for life outside of the E.U. without a deal for them to take us seriously.

As David Cameron so brutally found out in 2015-16, there is limited appetite in Brussels to be helpful or flexible towards Britain.

We are not some small landlocked European country who needs the E.U. to make decisions for us or protect us from competition.

Since the start of the Thatcher economic and fiscal reforms the U.K. economy has expanded five-fold.

The purpose of Conservative Budgets is to empower the British people and revitalise the country.