"One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals."

"The fastest way to succeed is to look as if you're playing by somebody else's rules, while quietly playing by your own."

"To succeed it is necessary to accept the world as it is and rise above it."

"There is no point at which you can say, 'Well, I'm successful now. I might as well take a nap."

"When we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not hereditary."

"It is not a field of a few acres of ground, but a cause, that we are defending, and whether we defeat the enemy in one battle, or by degrees, the consequences will be the same."

"I would say my greatest achievement in life right now - my greatest achievement period is - and I'm still trying to achieve it - is to be a wonderful father to my kids."

"I was the type of guy that used to get up in the morning and go out and just out run everybody on the field without stretching or warming up or anything."

"I worked half my life to be an overnight success, and still it took me by surprise."

"My current goal is to place a moratorium on goals."

"It costs a lot to sue a magazine, and it's too bad that we don't have a system where the losing team has to pay the winning team's lawyers."

"Ask anyone who's successful how they got there, you're going to hear a different story."

"When I went to New York to try and make it, I never thought it wouldn't happen."

"I think the reason I was successful is that I was never cynical."

"When I step on that basketball court, I'm thinking about basketball, I'm thinking about winning - but there's so much that goes into thought about how I'm going to open this game up to others. It's so much more than just basketball."

"Allen Iverson is a ball hog. You will never win a championship with him on your team."

"Success is the result of psychologically preparing for it, prior to achieving it!"

"At this point in my career I'm not concerned about the money, it's about winning. Nothing else even matters."

"I don't think there could ever be more pressure to succeed than the pressure I place on myself."

"I want to win the game. I dont worry about taking over the game unless I have to."

"I want to win. I don't care about the money."

"I understand the NBA and the role I play on my team. I know that I have to play a leadership role and do whatever I have to do to win."

"I'm laid back, I take my time, get the job done. Lebron is high flying, dunking, passing the ball well. He's getting the job done, too. But we're different."

"The visions we offer our children shape the future."