They say the only people who tell the truth are drunkards and children. Guess which one I am.

People understand me so poorly that they don't even understand my complaint about them not understanding me.

People settle for a level of despair they can tolerate and call it happiness.

Most people are subjective toward themselves and objective toward all others, frightfully objective sometimes--but the task is precisely to be objective toward oneself and subjective toward all others.

I don't do it often, but I do cry. I also laugh a lot; people tell me I'm funny and I do like to laugh.

I've always loved reprehensible people because they're so much more interesting to play on screen.

The Quiet American is anti the people who took them into the Vietnam War.

That's one more thing people don't know about Indians: We love to talk dirty.

People are afraid of changing; that they're losing something. They don't understand that they are also gaining something.

People want more fit arms, but my arms are too fit. But I'm not complaining. They pay my bills.

How many people yell at linespeople? I see it happening all the time. I don't know how many times I have seen that happen.

I think it's bad when people start booing between serves.

People speculate or think what they want to think, but it's been really fun for me to kind of explore what I want to explore.

My past seems to be way more fascinating for people than my future, which bums me out.

I can count on one hand the people I could call and who would be there for me.

People are so mean, it's exhausting.

There's such an emphasis on people being the perfect thing and then destroying them because it's good press.

I really - I just wanna sing. And I wanna show people that I can sing.

I'm going to hang out with people, and I'm going to explore myself, and I'm okay with that.

I don't want people to look at me as someone who is just this celebrity person.

I want people on the front line to be proud of what they're doing and give themselves permission to finish things in ways that they can be proud of.

People stereotype pop stars, but Christina [Aguilera] proves them wrong with her unique style and talent.

I don't think about what other people want from me.

When real people fall down in life, they get right back up and keep walking.