"Yip cabbage on three!"

"In spite of reports about playing with various teams, I'm enjoying retirement with my family and have no plans to play football."

"God, he deals you blows that at sometimes you think you can't handle and in the last year there have been things that we thought we couldn't handle but we've dealt with it up until this point."

"My intention... isn't to create controversy."

"I don't worry anymore about where's the big hangout Tuesday night, Friday. Couldn't tell you and no one comes to me for advice anymore in those areas anymore, so real boring I would say."

"Injuries obviously change the way you approach the game."

"I accomplished so many things, so early in my career."

"In the NFL a lot of times everyone gets caught up in the business side of things. For them it's all about money and it really leaves a sour taste in your mouth."

"I'm proud of everything I've done."

"I often lose motivation, but its something I accept as normal."

"There is an enormous number of managers who have retired on the job."

"Until we can manage TIME, we can manage nothing else."

"Everything requires time. It is the only truly universal condition. All work takes place in time and uses up time. Yet most people take for granted this unique, irreplaceable, and necessary resource. Nothing else, perhaps, distinguishes effective executives as much as their tender loving care of time."

"One cannot buy, rent or hire more time. The supply of time is totally inelastic. No matter how high the demand, the supply will not go up. There is no price for it. Time is totally perishable and cannot be stored. Yesterday's time is gone forever, and will never come back. Time is always in short supply. There is no substitute for time. Everything requires time. All work takes place in, and uses up time. Yet most people take for granted this unique, irreplaceable and necessary resource."

"My greatest strength as a consultant is to be ignorant and ask a few questions"

"There are no creeds in mathematics."

"The better a man is the more mistakes he will make for the more things he will try."

"We know nothing about motivation. All we can do is write books about it."

"Leaders shouldn't attach moral significance to their ideas: Do that, and you can't compromise."

"The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said."

"When I first moved to L.A., I discovered Roy London. I didn't know anything about the arts, the profession; I had no technique, I knew nothing, I'm fresh from Missouri. I sat in on a few classes, and they just felt a little guru-ish and just didn't feel right to me. Until I met Roy."

"When you first get opportunities, suddenly you get surrounded by a lot of people who want to make money off you but also are there to help. But they start telling you so much what you need to be and what you need to do to maintain some idea of career maintenance."

"I grew up on certain movies, particular movies that said something to me as a kid from Missouri, movies that showed me places I'd yet traveled, or different cultures, or explained something, or said something in a better way than I could ever say. I wanted to find the movies like that."

"When I first got out to Hollywood, they were pushing me for sitcoms, and I didn't really have an interest in them. I wanted to do films and slowly worked that way. And then it became, I guess, this curse of the leading man."