"I love hearing my audience breathe."

"I've never been more normal than I am now."

"I'm like Johnny Cash. I only wear black."

"I am quite loud and bolshie. I'm a big personality. I walk into a room, big and tall and loud."

"I no longer buy papers or tabloids or magazines or read blogs. I used to. But it was just filling up my day with hatred."

"It's warts and all in my songs, and I think that's why people can relate to them."

"I doubt I'll be singing forever, because at some point people aren't going to want to hear my music, and I hope that I'll still get the opportunity to write songs."

"I wouldn't be able to write a song like 'Someone Like You' and get someone else to sing it because it's so personal. It's like giving away your heart."

"In the songs I can still be really really direct but in interviews when I'm explaining my songs I shouldn't be so direct about who they're about."

"My body doesn't have any rhythm, you know. I've got quite good rhythm when I'm singing but my feet are very much two left feet."

"I was adopting an Ethiopian child, that's not true. My house was haunted, that wasn't true. God, there's been so many rumours."

"I can't write another breakup record. That would be a real cliche."

"I don't want people confusing what it is that I'm about. I just stand there and sing. And I don't do stunts or anything. if I wanted to do all that, I don't think I'd get away with it."

"Even if I did have, you know, a 'Sports Illustrated' body, I'd still wear elegant clothes."

"Crying is really bad for your vocal cords."

"I'm nervous whenever I perform."

"I am quite loud and bolshie."

"I am never writing a breakup record again, by the way. I'm done with being a bitter witch."

"I no longer buy papers or tabloids or magazines or read blogs. I used to."

"I don't write songs about a specific, elusive thing."

"If I were a writer and not a singer in 10 years, I don't know how I'd feel about writing really personal songs and getting someone else to sing them."

"I'm scared of audiences."

"I don't like going to the gym."

"I don't date celebrities."