"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends."

"I was just a young guy who was excited to become a comedian and an actor and I just wanted to get to do what I got to do."

"Most of the stuff I do on the show comes out of me just trying to make my friends laugh."

"I think the reason I don't read is because, when I'm reading, I feel like I'm missing out on something else. You know, What are my friends doing? Where's my girlfriend?"

"We just bought this house. It's too big. It's like 400,000 square feet, or something. We got an indoor lake and ski slope in the house! It's just too big."

"I sang a song at my sister's wedding. My mother forced me into that, too. But that one felt all right."

"When I was younger and did a stand-up gig, it would take me two weeks to recover. Sometimes I'd get so panicked that I would stutter."

"I'm not looking to get away from anything. I like what I've done. I like what I get to do and I enjoy working with my friends. I loved those movies, but this is incredible."

"Feels good to try, but playing a father, I'm getting a little older. I see now that I'm taking it more serious and I do want that lifestyle."

"I still get very scared when I step in front of a live audience."

"The problem with me, as far as getting married and having a family, is that my comedy is so important to me. So I don't know if I'll ever be as good a dad as my dad."

"Well, we're living in a material world, and I'm a material girl... or boy."

"A lot of critics object to what I do, but I got into comedy to make people laugh, and I've always worked hard."

"Sir one more comment like that and I will strangle you with my microphone wire!"

"When I'm around the kids I feel like I act the most grown-up just because you're supposed to. And I say things, like every other day, that remind me of my own parents."

"I'll continue to make the typical Adam Sandler comedies."

"In high school I wanted to be a rock star and was in a lot of bands."

"I like sitting and writing with my buddies."

"As a kid, I'd go into the bathroom when I was having a tantrum. I'd be in the bathroom crying, studying myself in the mirror. I was preparing for future roles."

"I've always liked older ladies, ever since my mother would have B'nai B'rith at our house."

"I grew up cursing a lot. It felt natural. My parents told me to stop."

"SNL is a home. You've got all of your brothers and sisters there, and it's a great time."

"My grandmother used to embarrass me more, when she would pick me up from school wearing a big fuzzy hat. I didn't like that."

"In one day, I have times where I'm feeling great, I feel like I love my life, and then 2:30 rolls around and I'm the angriest man alive. My wife sees it."