"That's when you know you're the greatest: when you're the greatest, and people still put odds against you."

"I'm an entrepreneur. I'm a young mogul. I'm blessed."

"I don't think I would run for president."

"Jeb Bush, I appreciate you. You a leader. You a Bush."

"Nicki Minaj, will you marry me?"

"I remember I used to sleep on my records. In a room with no furniture. I remember I used to sleep in my car."

"I've always been a fan of the VMAs, and I've always worked hard just to get a ticket to go to the VMAs."

"I wanna thank MTV and the VMAs for choosing me to be a part of the show because, on this show, if you not an icon or upcomin' icon, you're not on the show, you know?"

"Everyone I look up to is bringing me into the tech world. You'd be surprised by all the music people in it, invested in it."

"You'll never have any mental muscle if you don't have any heavy stuff to pick up."

"As fleeting emotions stalk it, a face can leak fear or the guilt of a forming lie."

"I don't think getting in and out of a limousine has anything to do with being an icon."

"I'm a dreamer."

"My father worked hard, but we were still very poor; and I didn't want anybody arguing about money, so I became the entertainer - the one who wanted everyone to be happy. I didn't want there to be any problems."

"So I'm not worried about the emotions I carry with me, because I'm happy that I have them; I think it's good for the work I do. The emotions that are not healthy are the ones you hold inside, like anger."

"The first time I heard a Billie Holiday record, I thought, 'What's so great about Billie Holiday?'"

"I don't have to sit around and wait for the next movie to come along, I can go out and sing."

"I want an autobiography without revealing any personal information."

"I don't get fat, I get skinny."

"They tell me that it will be hard to find a man strong enough to love my own strength and independence, and not worry about being Mr. Diana Ross, but I disagree. I know absolutely that that man is somewhere out there."

"It has always been, and still is, my intention to build a playground in Central Park."

"Years ago I wanted to buy an apartment in New York City. I was a single female - I had gone through my divorce - I had three children, I was in show business and black. It was, like, impossible."

"One thing you cannot control is nature."

"I was brought up in this part of Detroit that they used to call the ghetto."