"What happened to me should teach everybody that you should never give up on anybody."

"My teammates are the best."

"I know in my situation, my mind works more than everything else. I've been like that my whole career."

"I just come do what I've got to do, play my game. And I don't worry if anybody likes it."

"I never thought that buying supplements and vitamins, it was going to hurt anybody's feelings."

"My whole career, my swing has always been the most important thing to me. Even when I'm taking a shower, I work on my swing."

"My parents always told me to stay away from trouble. When I moved away from them at a young age, I was fine because they taught me how to do everything right."

"I stress a lot, sometimes."

"Through the years I've been getting better and better and better, and it's what you learn though the seasons."

"People, man, they love hurting people. It's not even fair."

"The fans know that I don't give at-bats away."

"What I don't want to do is just play for the sake of playing."

"If I can't hit at a high level, I won't play, and I know there comes a point where my body won't be able to do that."

"You can't say that being a fan is more serious, because players are trying to do better in order to get paid better."

"You can never fall in love with a team."

"I'm very mechanical, so if I have one thing that's going in the wrong direction when I'm hitting, it's hard for me to get a hit."

"Nobody is going to dictate our freedom."

"You don't get better as you get older in your career. It's not natural to have your best years late in your career. So I'm trying to do whatever I can to keep my body feeling good for as long as I can."

"Let no girl, no gun, no cards, no flutes, no violins, no dress, no tobacco, no laziness decoy you from your books."

"We believed in a good God, a bad Devil, and a hot Hell, and more than anything else we believed that same God did not intend man should ever fly."

"We cannot insure success, but we can deserve it."

"Measurements "are never enough. The artist's eye and desire to breathe life into the subject must be the deciding factors."

"Lord, grant that I may always be right, for Thou knowest I am hard to turn,"

"Morality only is eternal. All the rest is balloon and bubble from the cradle to the grave."