"If I had been around when Rubens was painting, I would have been revered as a fabulous model. Kate Moss? Well, she would have been the paintbrush."

"I keep my own personality in a cupboard under the stairs at home so that no one else can see it or nick it."

"Theatre outings are my favourite thing to spend money on. The most influential play I saw was 'Bent,' which starred Ian McKellen. And I loved the original performance of 'The Rocky Horror Show,' with Richard O'Brien and Tim Curry at the Royal Court, when I was about 15."

"That's the awful thing about dating. Tight underwear. We would all like to be in a big bra and pants and when you are in a secure relationship you can do that."

"In actual life I am a grumpy old bag."

"I want to do something where I play Judi Dench's younger sister or daughter."

"The theatre is one of those muscles - if you don't exercise it, it becomes a strange and truly fearful place."

"Funny how women are ashamed of their inner fairy whereas men are forever proudly displaying their inner cowboy or fireman"

"I start thinking about life after death. I've got to quit thinking about it because it's very deep. Very deep. Sometimes you start thinking about it, and you don't feel like you want to be alive, so I don't like to get all quiet."

"I don't try to hit the ball 500 feet. It looks good when you hit it 500 feet, but as long as it goes over the fence, it's a home run. When you swing hard, it takes a little bit of recognition away from you. The power you're trying to increase - you're not all the way through it with your vision."

"The DOCF all started when I made a trip to a local hospital in the Dominican Republic. I was visiting children who had received life-saving heart care operations. I couldn't help but think that in another life, one of these kids could be my own son. If it wasn't for baseball, I may have remained in the Dominican Republic and who knows where life would have taken me. It was then that I knew that I had to use the gift that I received, to play baseball, to do whatever I could to give back."

"Sometimes you just don't feel the same everyday, it doesn't matter what you do, but when you have people looking forward to seeing you perform for them, that puts you in the mood, and that's natural in Boston. That's why it's such a special place to play."

"My timing’s a little off. But I’m about to get hotter than Jamaica in the middle of August."

"Life is a challenge that you need. There's things in life that are going to throw you into the ground, but if you learn how to get up, that means you are not a quitter."

"I'm not thinking home run, I just want to put a good swing on the ball. When you go looking for home runs, you get off of your swing. So you don't think of homers when you go up to the plate."

"Everybody has something to prove each year. Everybody has a responsibility in this game. Even the batboy."

"They pick me [to be tested for steroids] every time. I don't know why. I don't know if it's because I'm a big guy, or what, but all I know is all they are going to find is a lot of rice and beans."

"I'm a winner, I play to win, I want to make good things go on around me."

"You just have to go as far as you can go. Everyone works his way up."

"I'm going to be done when I've decided that I'm done."

"This is our f---g city. And nobody is going to dictate our freedom."

"I'm the kind of guy that I never forget my teammates."

"I just want to play baseball."

"I swing hard all the time. That's what I've done my whole life-hit."