My last name is originally Irish. I'm not exactly sure whereabouts it's from, but I've got family branches that were traced back there.

I've got incredible support from my wife and family and people around me. I've got great people around me who handle anything on the outside, business-wise, who help free me up to create in my job.

There are certain nights you and your image just aren't in the same bed.

Absolutely not. I have no problem with commitment. In fact, I love having someone in my life.

I will say this: one of the things that is a pain when you're expecting children is how much advice unsolicited people give you when you're not asking for it.

My lawyer has been a good friend of mine for a long time. He and I continuously have conversations.

Romcoms are hard in a lot of ways: they're built to be buoyant. It's easy to demean them.

The male is always the pawn in a romantic comedy. Come together, break up, go chase her, get her, roll credits. That's what happens in all of them.

We have a big appetite for putting people down but, at the heart of everyone, there's enough room for all of us to succeed.

I've never been a manipulator, even in my bachelor days. I never wanted to do things to people that could catch up with me later on.

I think I can keep a rhythm to a beat, but there are quite a few people who would argue with me.

I think most defense attorneys know, to some extent, their clients are guilty.

If you want your hair to be thicker, cut it when the moon is about to be full - a heavy, full, waxing moon. Do not cut it when the moon's waning.

We spend so much time sublimatin', thinkin' about, 'What am I going to have for lunch, dinner?'

Music is a really great creative tool for me, for different roles.

My number one thing? Don't overleverage yourself. Don't say you can do something when you really can't.

I like quips. I like whiffs of cynicism and I think they can be witty. But I don't really know where wittiness is constructive.

A creep is someone who claims he's one thing but he's actually another.

I don't know how to work a room. It's a real skill.

I'm not arrogant enough to look back on my career and criticize my choices. It's really not my place.

My whole family are hams. They're storytellers and everyone outdoes the next one.

I've read a lot of really great characters in some really crappy stories, where I said, like, 'Boy I could shine here, but the story sucks.' I don't want to be part of that.

I talk to myself all the time. Just make sure you answer.

I personally don't like to go see romantic comedies. But people do want to see them, and they seem to want to see me in them.