From bitter searching of the heart, quickened with passion and with pain we rise to play a greater part this is the faith from which we start.

The Dream" "O I had such a wonderful dream, she said. I dreamed you made love to me. At last, he said to himself, the spirit has taken up some of the heavy work.

Garages, barns and attics are always older than the buildings to which they are attached.

I don't even hate books anymore.

At first first nothing will happen to us and later on it will happen to us again.

The sweetest little song: You go your way I'll go your way too!

So much of the world is plunged in darkness and chaos... So ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack in everything That’s how the light gets in.

As the mist leaves no scar On the dark green hill So my body leaves no scar On you and never will

When you call me close to tell me your body is not beautiful I want to summon the eyes and hidden mouths of stone and light and water to testify against you.

I am not the one who loved, it's love that chooses me. When hatred with it's package comes, you forbid delivery.

It’s a depressing habit you have of loving to sneeze and of eating apples as if they were juicier for you and being the first one to exclaim how good the movie is. You depress people. We like apples too.

Show me slowly what I only know the limits of Dance me to the end of love wanted to be the Superman who was never Clark Kent

My interest in this pack of failures betrays my character.

Love is the only engine of survival

In our rags of light, all dressed to kill.

It doesn't matter how anything happens.

Yeah I missed you since the place got wrecked By the winds of change and the weeds of sex looks like freedom but it feels like death it's something in between, I guess it's closing time.

Dream after dream we all lie in each other's arms

My page was too white My ink was too thin The day wouldn't write What the night pencilled in

And may my bronze name / touch always her thousand fingers / grow brighter with her weeping / until I am fixed like a galaxy / and memorized / in her secret and fragile skies.

I've forgotten most of what I've read and, frankly, it never seemed very important to me or to the world.

I almost went to bed without remembering the four white violets I put in the button-hole of your green sweater and how i kissed you then and you kissed me shy as though I’d never been your lover

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded, Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed, Everybody knows that the war is over, Everybody knows the good guys lost.