I can’t manage without homeopathy. In fact, I never go anywhere without homeopathic remedies. I often make use of them.

I'm the worst on facts about me or facts about the Beatles.

There are seven levels!

Being in the audience actually looks like quite a lot of fun.

You were only waiting for this moment to be free.

Buy, buy, says the sign in the shop window; Why, why, says the junk in the yard.

I can't deal with the press; I hate all those Beatles questions.

Me? I'm a mocker!

If You can play Your stuff in a pub, then You�re a good band.

I think people who create and write, it actually does flow – just flows from into their head, into their hand, and they right it down. It’s simple.

Animation is not just for children - it's also for adults who take drugs.

And what's the point of changing when I'm happy as I am?

For you know that it's a fool who plays it cool, by making his world a little colder.

Paul's last words to Linda: "You're up on your beautiful Appaloosa stallion. It's a fine spring day. We're riding through the woods. The bluebells are all out, and the sky is clear-blue".

What I have to say is all in the music. If I want to say anything, I write a song.

It's like if you're an astronaut and you've been to the moon, what do you want to do with the rest of your life?

Lady Madonna lying on the bed Listen to the music playing in your head.

The beatles were always a great band. nothing more nothing less

Take these broken wings and learn to fly.

Think globally, act locally.

I am alive and well and unconcerned about the rumors of my death. But if I were dead, I would be the last to know.

I don't work at being ordinary.

Somebody said to me, 'But the Beatles were anti-materialistic.' That's a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, 'Now, let's write a swimming pool.

Sadness isn't sadness. It's happiness in a black jacket. Tears are not tears. They're balls of laughter dipped in salt. Death is not death. It's life that's jumped off a tall cliff.