When you were young, and your heart, was an open book. You used to say, live and let live.

If slaughterhouses had glass walls, we would all be vegetarian.

Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, Tomorrow I'll miss you.

If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.

You can judge a man's true character by the way he treats his fellow animals.

I used to think anyone doing anything weird was weird. Now I know that it is the people that call others weird that are weird.

And, in the end The love you take is equal to the love you make.

Life is not a theme park, and if it is, the theme is death.

You can always get better. Nobody can stop you from getting better, and nobody can stop you from trying to make something right.

I've never been the sort of firebrand that I've been made out to be. I'm actually quite a mild person.

I get the feeling more and more that religion is being left behind.

Although many of us fear death, I think there is something illogical about it.

Notoriously, the United States is the most religious of the Western advanced nations. It's a bit mysterious why that is.

I'm quite a softy, yes. I have a blank spot with respect to visual art, but I have perhaps a compensating hypersensitivity to poetry and music.

I did a film that's on YouTube of me reading hate mail with a woman playing the cello in the background.

As Darwin himself was at pains to point out, natural selection is all about differential survival within species, not between them.

If your plane is being hijacked by an armed man who, though prepared to take risks, presumably wants to go on living, there is room for bargaining.

Compassionate doctors sometimes lie to patients about the severity of their condition, and it is not always wrong to do so.

Religious organisations have an automatic tax-free charitable status.

What's wrong with being elitist if you are trying to encourage people to join the elite rather than being exclusive?

Saddam Hussein could have provided irreplaceable help to future historians of the Iran/Iraq war, of the invasion of Kuwait, and of the subsequent era of sanctions culminating in the current invasion.