And I advise ye to think well, he told her It's better to be a stray dog in this world than a man without money. I've tried it both ways, and I know. A poor man stinks, and God hates him.

“A strong body makes the mind strong... I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind.”

“Do not count your chickens before they are hatched”

“Look before you leap.”

“Don't make much ado about nothing.”

“Keep your place in life and your place will keep you”

“Servants don't know a good master till they have served a worse.”

“Do not attempt to hide things which cannot be hidden.”

“A man is known by the company he keeps”

“Give assistance, not advice, in a crisis.”

“Little by little does the trick.”

“Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.”

“To take an example, therefore, from a very trifling manufacture, but one in which the division of labour has been very often taken notice of, the trade of a pin-maker: a workman not educated to this business (which the division of labour has rendered a distinct trade), nor acquainted with the use of the machinery employed in it (to the invention of which the same division of labour has probably given occasion), could scarce, perhaps, with his utmost industry, make one pin in a day, and certainly could not make twenty. But in the way in which this business is now carried on, not only the whole work is a peculiar trade, but it is divided into a number of branches, of which the greater part are likewise peculiar trades. One man draws out the wire; another straights it; a third cuts it; a fourth points it; a fifth grinds it at the top for receiving the head; to make the head requires two or three distinct operations; to put it on is a peculiar business; to whiten the pins is”

It is seductive to seek advice from those who lack wisdom as they can often provide answers the wise cannot

Don't Spit in the Soup, We All Gotta Eat

People wanted more advice. So I finally thought I could totally put this advice into a book.

“There are only two words of advice you need to improve any relationship. Say It” 

"Make every detail perfect and limit the number of details to perfect."

"Advise the ruler to govern the state as one cooks a small fish - that is, don't turn it so often in the pan that it disintegrates"

"Don't never drop your head. Don't never feel like you counted out."

"There is no human problem which could not be solved if people would simply do as I advise."

"Truth is in hands of noble souls and noble souls and nobel souls are verily Divine."

"A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice."

"Advice to young writers wo want to get ahead without any annoying delays: don't write about Man, write about a man."