"Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I'm not going to make it, but you laugh inside — remembering all the times you've felt that way."

"Do you hate people?” “I don't hate them...I just feel better when they're not around."

"But what does it matter what reality is outside myself, so long as it has helped me to live, to feel that I am, and what I am?"

"In order not to feel time's horrid fardel bruise your shoulders, grinding you into the earth, get drunk and stay that way. On what? On wine, poetry, virtue, whatever. But get drunk!"

"It always seems to me that I should feel well in the place where I am not."

"I have felt the wind on the wing of madness."

"The Devil pulls the strings which make us dance; We find delight in the most loathsome things; Some furtherance of Hell each new day brings, And yet we feel no horror in that rank advance."

"What can an eternity of damnation matter to someone who has felt, if only for a second, the infinity of delight?"

"I held it close to my face and smelled the ink. I have always loved the smell of ink in a new book."

"I remember with strong feelings the families who joined our movement and paid dues long before there was any hope of winning contracts. Sometimes, fathers and mothers would take money out of their meager food budgets just because they believed that farm workers could and must build their own union. I remember thinking then that with spirit like that... we had to win. No force on earth could stop us."

"Every child deserves to grow up knowing their potential and feeling confident that they won't fall at the first hurdle - that they cope with life's setbacks."

"No one would feel embarrassed about seeking help for a child if they broke their arm - and we really should be equally ready to support a child coping with emotional difficulties."

"I feel very, very lucky that George has got a little sister."

"I feel enormously proud to be part of East Anglia's Children's Hospices and to see the wonderful life-changing work that you do."

"William and I feel that every child deserves to be supported through difficult times in their lives."

"We hope to encourage George and Charlotte to speak about their feelings, and to give them the tools and sensitivity to be supportive peers to their friends as they get older."

"I allow myself to not feel the need to be some sort of wonder woman. You can't do everything at once and tear your hair out when you miss your baby using a potty for the first time, although my son was obviously very sad that his mum was not there on his big day."

"I am frivolous. Then I feel guilty."

"It has been very erotic and provocative for people to wonder about my feelings for women."

"Some people fall in love with their co-stars and feel things that they never thought they would feel for them because they are touching."

"I always try to keep that feeling of being on the edge. I'm afraid of knowing too well and seeming mechanical."

"Being an actress is a very physical thing. If I didn't look the way I looked, I would never have started in films."

"The mutual distrust between the men who were just awakened and those who were ending a long night gave everyone a feeling of estrangement."

"He could not understand the wild quiver of his heart, nor the following sense of recklessness and grace that lingered after she was gone."