"It's too late for me to get married before I'm famous. You never know people's intentions."

"I just don't want to get used to feeling this feeling, you know, losing basketball games."

"I don't put pressure on myself. When I put pressure on myself, then I just play bad. When I play bad, my team plays bad."

"In all our searching, the only thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable is each other."

"We can judge our progress by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers, our willingness to embrace what is true rather than what feels good."

"I love the feeling that you get when you can really laugh with a man and be natural and not always think that there's a sexual element going on. For me, flirting with a man means making fun of myself and trying to open myself and be very unpretentious."

"The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention."

"I seldom go into a natural history museum without feeling as if I were attending a funeral."

"Each nation feels superior to other nations. That breeds patriotism - and wars."

"You are merely not feeling equal to the tasks before you."

"Your purpose is to make your audience see what you saw, hear what you heard, feel what you felt. Relevant detail, couched in concrete, colorful language, is the best way to recreate the incident as it happened and to picture it for the audience."

"I make films for myself, first and foremost, just because it is such a personal experience, and it's something I really have to want to do and feel connected to."

"When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion."

"The royal road to a man's heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most."

"If you want to win friends, make it a point to remember them. If you remember my name, you pay me a subtle compliment; you indicate that I have made an impression on you. Remember my name and you add to my feeling of importance."

"I have gratitude. I know myself better. I feel more capable than ever. And as far as the physicality of it, I feel better at 40 than I did at 25."

"I do feel like there's a spirit and a tone you can set that lets people know that they're appreciated for being there. It's a sense of spirit that I think every film should have."

"I never felt I had to prove myself with anything."

"Whenever I gaze up at the moon, I feel like I'm on a time machine. I am back to that precious pinpoint of time, standing on the foreboding - yet beautiful - Sea of Tranquility. I could see our shining blue planet Earth poised in the darkness of space."

"You can tell I'm not too bashful about some of my feelings."

"I feel we need to remind the world about the Apollo missions and that we can still do impossible things."

"I feel like I almost didn't grow up in the business, because my parents worked so hard at sheltering us from that. I was raised in Connecticut. And I honestly wasn't aware that my dad was a celebrity until I moved to Los Angeles a year ago."

"Then I felt like having a piss and I did that"