"The first thing one must remember about film is that it is a young medium. And it is essential for every responsible artist to cultivate the ground that has been left fallow."

"Film is like a colony and there are very few colonists."

"Living in the lap of luxury isn't bad except that you never know when luxury is going to stand up."

"Movie directing is a perfect refuge for the mediocre."

"I started at the top and worked my way down."

"Nobody who takes on anything big and tough can afford to be modest."

"If there hadn't been women we'd still be squatting in a cave eating raw meat, because we made civilization in order to impress our girlfriends."

"'The Godfather' was the glorification of a bunch of bums who never existed."

"If I ever own a restaurant, I will never allow the waiters to ask if the diners like their dishes. Particularly when they're talking."

"Personally, I don't like a girlfriend to have a husband. If she'll fool her husband, I figure she'll fool me."

"One shouldn't ever be conscious of the author as lecturer. When social or moral points are too heavily stressed, I always get uncomfortable."

"When television came along, I'd already done more than 10 years of radio work and I thought everyone would want me. I sat around waiting for the phone to ring - and it didn't."

"If we speak of direct means for the culture of the imagination, the whole is comprised in two words--food and exercise."

"But he remembered that even if she did box his ears, he musn't box hers again, for she was a girl, and all that boys must do, if girls are rude, is to go away and leave them."

"Many a wrong, and it's curing song, many a road, and many an inn, Room to roam, but only one home, for all the world to win. George MacDonald, (Lilith)"

"God is just like Jesus – exactly like him!"

"One who not merely beholds the outward shows of things, but catches a glimpse of the soul that looks out of them ..."

"Now Gibbie had been honoured with the acquaintance of many dogs, and the friendship of most of them, for a lover of humanity can hardly fail to be a lover of caninity."

"Where was God? In him and his question."

"But a man may then imagine in your work what he pleases, what you never meant!" Not what he pleases, but what he can."

"How kind you are, North Wind!' 'I am only just. All kindness is but justice. We owe it."

"The church grew very lonely about him, and he began to feel like a child whose mother has forsaken it. Only he knew that to be left alone is not always to be forsaken."

"I had chosen the dead rather than the living, the thing thought rather than the thing thinking."

"You allowed me existence, which is the sum of what one can demand of his fellow-beings"