"And the greeter is what sets the tone for this company and I've been on TV a little bit this morning."

"Or if you have one store manager that makes a bad decision, is that indicative that that is somehow what your company represents? No."

"More and more, more and more digital, in particular, I think you'll see in our stores next year, as we start combining these digital products and they interface with each other, you'll see that represented in Wal-Mart."

"Many of them are doing it because they are concerned about smart growth."

"Where we have been incorrect in what we have done, then I think we have an obligation to settle."

"We want to set a tone going into our fiscal year that starts Feb. 1, that Wal-Mart Stores is going to be aggressive in taking care of customers, taking care of our associates, communications and merchandising."

"The customers want those Supercenters."

"So I think we have an obligation with our size to make sure that we are open to what people have to say to us because the people who criticize us, they're not all mean-spirited."

"Retailing, it's always true that there is some items that I wish we had a lot more of like the iPod and there is some items I wish we had a lot less of."

"Our size causes us, when we do something inappropriate, which is usually done out of stupidity, to come across as being done out of arrogance."

"Even with the lingering impacts of the hurricanes, and the impact of higher energy prices, I believe we will have a good holiday season."

"As the economy has slowed customers have become more concerned about price."

"We are particularly excited about organic food, the fastest-growing category in all of food. It's a great example of how Wal-Mart can appeal to a wider range of customers."

"The soaring cost of health care in America cannot be sustained over the long term by any business that offers health benefits to its employees."

"Where we're not wrong or where the cost of settling is so much that it is totally disproportionate to the harm or the error that we made, we're not going to settle."

"[In addition to his responsibility for Wal-Mart Stores, U.S. A., Menzer will head the divisions responsible for real estate, logistics, information services, benefits, global procurement, financial services, store planning and strategic planning.] John will continue to accelerate changes in the largest segment of our business, ... During the last six years, he transformed Wal-Mart International into a wellorganized, fast-growing and profitable business. Prior to that, as Wal-Marts corporate chief financial officer, John established a solid track record as a business strategist who delivers results."

"Texas was a growth area for Wal-Mart,"

"We're pleased our trend of year-over-year increases in sales and net income continues. We added more than seven billion dollars in sales in the quarter and ended the year strong."

"The consumer still seems to us to be very cautious and probably will remain so until we see improvement in employment,"

"In a challenging retail environment, I am pleased to report our first year with net earnings in excess of $6 billion and our first-ever quarter with earnings over $2 billion,"

"It was a solid performance, but we can do better,"

"Although we did not attain our goal of increasing earnings at the same rate of sales, our 8.9 percent growth in earnings per share in the fourth quarter represents more than triple the growth rate experienced in the first six months of the year,"

"There was nothing flat about that, ... When you get punched in the face, that's what happens. That's an excuse: Flat didn't drop balls. Flat didn't miss assignments. Flat didn't commit penalties and miss tackles."

"There was (the) ability for us to take advantage of some NFL cap numbers and rules if we got this completed in time. This is a foundation, and now we're able to move on and know where certain things are spent and allocated."