"Directing is much more satisfying to me than acting."

"I don't know if winning at any cost is wrong or not. There are times I've thought that the end justified the means."

"I had a Tesla. I was one of the first cats with a Tesla. But I'm telling you, I've been on the side of the road a while in that thing."

"My father was and is a great journalist. Thirty years ago, I was studying broadcasting in college, and the problem was I wasn't nearly as good as my father. I wasn't as quick or as smart as my old man, and I realized it would be a long time before I was ever going to be, and I decided to do something else."

"After a while, you just want transportation, and things like cool cars or motorcycles are all about getting attention. I get all the attention I could ever need, so I kind of like being in a minivan and people not paying so much attention to me."

"I'm not out trying to prove anything. I'm sort of finished with that, so I get to play in other sandboxes and try and figure out what I like and I'm interested in."

"Anyone would be lying if they said they didn't get lonely at times."

"The loneliest you will get is in the most public of arenas: You will go to a place and end up in the smallest compartment possible, because it's a distraction to everybody, and you end up not getting to enjoy it like everyone else."

"Without question, I wake every night five times."

"When you first start out, you are just happy to get a job, any job. And as time goes on, either you move forward or screech to a halt."

"If you're famous, I don't - for the life of me - I don't understand why any famous person would ever be on Twitter."

"I had my Aunt Rosie, who was famous and then not, so I got a lesson in fame early on. And I understood how little it has to do with you. And also how you could use it."

"I probably wouldn't be a good spokesman for an electric car, because I'll still get on a private jet, and one flight on a private jet undoes all my electric-car good deeds."

"The first thing that I learned - and I understood it at a really young age - was that I could get a laugh. Really early. Because my mother and father are funny."

"I'm only two years older than Brad Pitt, but I look a lot older, which used to greatly frustrate me. It doesn't anymore. I don't have to fit into that category and get trounced by Tom Cruise and Brad."

"An acting career usually has about a shelf life of ten years before people get sick of seeing you. It's a good thing to have a job to fall back on and I really do enjoy directing."

"Most of the films I've done haven't done particularly well. I'm surprised I'm continuing to work."

"It's not about an opening weekend. It's about a career, building a set of films you're proud of. Period."

"I'm the old-fashioned type who prefers to meet a woman in a more normal setting. I don't like to feel that I'm being hunted down. I've always liked to do my own hunting when it comes to meeting women."

"I have taken so many wrong turns and been so careless with precious things and managed to lose, or break, or leave out in the rain so much that I loved."

"Marrying for sex is like flying to London for the free peanuts and pretzels. It's not the point of the thing, is it?"

"He was admired for never being at a loss for words and never wasting any either."

"I was afraid you had deceased,' he said. 'Or gotten engrossed in a long book."

"Some people have a love of their fellow man in their hearts, and others require a light anesthetic."