"He's our guy, we drafted him, we like him. When we get him here, we'll coach him up."

"When you recruit in college, you do those things. Those are the things you think about. How you drive a guy around the city? What routes do you take? Where do you take him to show him? Do you involve the wife? Who's important to him? Who's going to help him make the decision? Those are all the things we talked about and were important for us to do, as we brought these guys to town. And I think that's helped us acquire the guys we have."

"I was pleased with our execution. Guys went out there and carried out their assignments the way they're supposed to."

"We're excited to have this deal concluded. We're excited to get started with David, for his and our future."

"It's unfortunate. We're not going to sit here and baby and cry like their quarterback did."

"To have Willie back now adds a sense of calmness and also determination. I think Willie and Rudi (Johnson) play off each other as far as their approach to the game."

"I think we're doing a lot of giving. I don't know how much taking we're getting to do."

"For the guarantee, you've got to zoom in close, because I'm about to get myself in trouble,"

"He pushed very hard to get this done."

"I thought our offense did a good job of fighting through some early difficulties. But we have to do a better job of field position. That hurt us on both sides of the ball."

"The board of directors (at Martha Stewart Living) may be a little nervous"

"When they were preparing for trial, prosecutors had a responsibility to ask [Agent Stewart] -- 'you didn't write the first report, you didn't sign off on it -- were you there?'"

"[On her reputation for hubris] I have sometimes, probably, forgotten -- and I know I have -- to pat the back of someone or said 'thank you' enough times or maybe even once sometimes, ... I wish I were perfect. I wish I were just the nicest, nicest, nicest person on Earth. But I am a business person....If I were a man no one would ever say that I was arrogant."

"I look forward to collaborating with Mark... to bring more of our unique blend of original high-quality, educational and inspirational programming to our loyal viewers and new programming to new audiences in prime time next year,"

"I have been so much looking forward to starting anew this September, ... I have a great enthusiasm for living, a great enthusiasm for the kinds of things that living brings us. All those things we've been writing about and talking about and doing - this is my life and this is a really great way to spend time."

"[No doubt, she will continue to drive her comeback the only way she knows how: full speed ahead. She even holds out the possibility that she could return to the chairman post of her company someday.] I have learned, ... that I really cannot be destroyed."

"We met financial expectations for the quarter in a difficult economic environment. We also signed a two-year programming agreement with Home & Garden Television to launch two new cable television series, and [launched] the Martha Stewart Kids magazine, ... These initiatives provide future revenue and earnings growth for the brand and build long-term value for shareholders."

"It's not a perfect bill but it's a good, solid bill worth passing,"

"One of the appropriation bills, the Transportation Treasury HUD Appropriation Bill, had money put into the bill at the committee level, ... When it comes out of committee once we return to session after Labor Day, we'll be passing it off the floor of the Senate. I'm confident that money will be there, plus maybe a little more if possible in the final conference committee version."

"[At one point, the conversation turned to the preoccupation of the day -- the Supreme Court. If there were to be an opening, one of the guests, Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), told the president he should consider a New Orleans federal appeals judge, Edith Brown Clement. Bush seemed interested and asked Vitter about her.] The president already knew the name, ... She was already on some sort of short list."

"There was absolutely no execution,"

"Unfortunately, we're at the top of a really bad list, ... That is railway crossing accidents and fatalities. Although we're not a populous state, we rank in the Top 3 in railway accidents and the Top 5 in deaths related to railway accidents. We have as many dangerous railway crossing as just about any state, except maybe for California and Illinois."

"His stock has risen considerably, and given the circumstances in our entire pool, Kerry is going to be in there right until the end when we're looking to finalize our roster."

"The people I've respected most in the industry over the years - Paul Newman, for instance. I just loved the way he handled growing old on-screen. It's understanding that you're now basically a character actor. Which is fine, but you have to pay attention to it."