"Actors are always nervous about not only hurting each other, but maybe perhaps hitting each other's face and ending one's career."

"As far as what is the line between human and machine? That's a great question."

"Yeah, I'm a little weird. I'm definitely a little eccentric."

"I'm always looking at my brother and sisters, thinking - do we look inbred, maybe? Maybe a tiny bit."

"Getting on a popular, long-running show like 'Happy Days' is the actor's equivalent of winning the lottery."

"Actors create a fantastic lifestyle thinking they're going to be able to maintain it. Then they can't get work or have to start taking work that doesn't suit them."

"As a teenager, I was perpetually grounded. I was stubborn rather than rebellious."

"Writing 'when you find me,' it really exposed me to a way of putting together a story I hadn't thought of."

"Racism does not diminish with brains, it's a disease, a sickness, it may incubate in ignorance but it doesn't necessarily disappear with the gaining of wisdom!"

"Good conversational debate is an end in itself, and talking for the love of conversation is what makes us human."

"You can't go feeding your hate on the past, it's not natural."

"In teaching me independence of thought, they had given me the greatest gift an adult can give to a child besides love, and they had given me that also."

"Pride is holding your head up high when everyone around you has theirs bowed. Courage is what makes you do it."

"Sometimes, very occasionally, you do your best boxing with your mouth."

"Sometimes in life doing what we shouldn't do is the emergency"

"You've got to be quick on your feet in this world if you want to survive. Though once you know the rules, it is not too hard to play the game."

"Never take advice from a donkey."

"When men can be made to hope, then they can be made to win."

"First with the head, then with the heart, you'll be ahead from the start."

"Winning is a state of mind that embraces everything you do."

"I learned that in each of us there burns a flame of independence that must never be allowed to go out. That as long as it exists within us we cannot be destroyed."

"But I was still alive, and in my book, where there's life, there's hope."

"I have found in life that everything, no matter how bad, comes to an end."

"Always listen to yourself... It is better to be wrong than simply to follow convention."