I thought I would, you know, go to college, get to law school, finish, and then get a job and work as a lawyer, but that proved to be not a good fit for me.

People only have so much attention.

I have fun acting, and I want to do more of it, and I want to direct my own movie.

I think a lot of stuff I find funny is from day dreaming.

Okay, so, when I was a kid, definitely the drawings and the illustration. Then I stopped in sixth grade or so. And then I started again when I was in my twenties. I really didn't progress since then, so the way I draw is the way I drew in sixth grade.

I started being a comedy fan when I was, I'm going to guess, like 5 or 6 years old.

I know about Woodstock probably as much as your average person who is over 30, where I'd know Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Grateful Dead.

I think, at first blush, the '60s always enticed me. There's something about the '60s, it's not hard to like it.

I didn't do improv in college, I never performed, I didn't do theater either. I was in student government, I was a history major.

And as far as actors go, Peter Sellers is my all-time favorite.

I went to law school. I found it interesting for the first three weeks.

Usually, I walk around and think about things. When I come across a thought that makes me laugh, I write it down.

The shortest feedback loop I can think of is doing improvisation in front of an audience.

Specifically in stand-up, I love jokes. I love short, structured ideas and a punchline.

For example, I was a White House intern the summer before I dropped out of law school. Everybody knew about it. I'd come home and go to church and everybody would say, 'Oh, my God. Demetri, you're working at the White House.'

Let no man's deathbed be a futon.

I'm always excited to try something I haven't done.

Nothing wise was ever printed upon an apron.

Stand up is really fun because if I think of a joke or a funny idea, then I can just go and tell some people and if they laugh, they laugh right away.

It feels like every day or two, people on Twitter and the Internet are outraged about something.

I never set out to do a sketch show.

But what I was going to say was, I just figured I'm going to go boldly in the direction of my dreams, say it as Thoreau would say, and just see where it takes me.

I tend to avoid televisions, politics, and places with velvet ropes.

To me, comedy is a game.