We've become accustomed to repurposing and living vicariously through other people's work instead of going out and making our own.

You often forget, because you're so inside it, that television has power.

I hated working red carpets, I hated the whole celebrity interview process. I just realized I'd rather be the person somebody wanted to ask questions to than the person asking the questions.

Masculinity involves feminine qualities, and femininity involves masculine qualities.

Does Catherine O'Hara deserve an Emmy? Absolutely.

I have no patience for homophobia.

Personally, what scares me most is the thoughtlessness the Internet can perpetuate.

I think I'd always been interested in performing.

I'll take a carb any day of the week, but if I'm being pressed, then I'm sort of into the standard bagel.

I wasn't necessarily aware of what my dad did, but I was aware that wherever we'd go, there would be attention. I was never comfortable with it.

As a Canadian, we are sort of inherently built with an unshakable humility that at times can work against you.

The best TV that I watch, I always feel safe when I'm watching it. And that could be like 'Homeland' or 'The Americans'; by 'safety,' I mean the show knows its parameters.

It's quite common for a television show to start off as one thing and end up as something completely different. There are so many cooks in the kitchen - the network, the studio.

Comedy is not easy to begin with, but comedy that also dances with drama - it's so hard.

The fact that I like to buy inessential things to make myself feel better is neither a secret nor something I'm particularly proud of. And I know I'm not alone.

I'd rather create something that gives people a very strong reaction than create a show that someone looks at and says, 'Hmm. Fine.'

My mom asked me one day at lunch in a very lovely and respectful way. I was finally comfortable enough to say yes, I was gay, and it really was never talked about again.

Sometimes circumstance blinds us at first from seeing people for who they really are.

The sole forms of social interaction I was aware of as a kid involved a jungle gym and a sticker book. It was only in high school that ICQ - a prehistoric form of instant messaging - was first incorporated into my cultural vocabulary.

I'm good with furniture, very bad with plants.

My mother was in labour for two full days before having me on a sunny August afternoon. She went into labour on the 7th, and I chose to make my big entrance on the 9th.

Very few ideas are better than Catherine O'Hara's ideas when it comes to acting.

I'm clueless when it comes to flowers.

The Canadian audience is very critical, particularly of their own content.