I like to refer to my small social circle as 'boutique.' And much like the hotels of the same ilk, my friends are all unique, high quality, and serve me good food. But more than that, they teach me things about the world and about myself that I couldn't learn anywhere else.

I've never really turned to my dad for anything, I think out of fear of the label of nepotism.

There is something transformative about the act of finding your own way without a to-do list.

A little confidence can make the simplest of T-shirts look like a million bucks.

I often liken my love life to the pathetic fallacy found in a Bronte novel: a long and winding road tented by storm clouds and rain. Kidding.

When it comes to birthdays, I think there are two camps. There are people like me, who choose to treat it like any other day, and then there are the 'birthday people.' You know, those people who claim the full month in which they were born as their own.

The truth is, we are a culture built on a reward system, and our instinctive pursuit of pleasure can often lead us astray. We will rationalize anything into an excuse to indulge in whatever it is that makes us feel temporarily satiated.

I want to tell Miranda's story more broadly than what I have been in these five-minute videos on the Internet. She can live in a longer format.

I've seen every episode of 'Seinfeld.'

Miranda's my character; I created her! But there's a lot of comedy I want to bring to the world that isn't just Miranda.

Even before I was in New York, I couldn't even count how many places I lived in L.A. Definitely over 10.

As much as I love L.A., I don't want to live in L.A. I feel very congested when I'm in the city.

In the beginning, people watched me to hate on me. They thought Miranda was a real person. People just couldn't understand why this strange girl was so confident. And then slowly, I started getting fans.

Miranda is confidently untalented at singing. Very off-putting. Shrill. But she thinks she's wonderful, so power to her.

I've always been very open and very honest with my fans. I want them to know that I'm genuine, and I am who I am, and I'm not faking it for the camera.

My fans are my family. I love them so much.

I think we all have a little crazy in us.

Life isn't always wonderful.

I chose to share my life online, so I can't really complain about it. There's not much that's off limits.

I share more than most people probably do online.

I always admired Netflix's business model; they are really good at what they do.

I've always done YouTube myself: everything is written, edited, produced, and promoted by myself.

When Miranda first started becoming popular, not many people knew who she was. People were confused by her. They thought she was a real person. I got a lot of interesting responses.

I have always wanted to tell Miranda's backstory. To me, it's so fascinating that as a YouTuber, everyone knows what we show them. No one knows what goes on when the cameras are off. I always thought, what would Miranda do in her time off?