How it works: it's like I have a tour, so there's, you know, some income from that. We have merchandise. There's income from that. Then on YouTube, there's ad revenue... so, you know, YouTube puts ads on the videos, and we need a little bit of that.

Miranda was built by her haters.

The process of getting into Miranda mode is simply making sure I'm as gross as possible. I make sure I'm wearing funky clothes and a lot of lipstick, and I'm good to go.

A lot of people think most YouTubers are just untalented kids who film themselves for four minutes, and that's all they do for their week.

It's been hard being on the Internet and not being respected by people in Hollywood.

My favorite movies were 'Singin' in the Rain' and stuff that had a more classic comedy type feel, that more slapsticky stuff. It's the comedy I've gravitated towards.

I watched a lot of old movies, and a lot of Carol Burnett and Andy Kaufman.

The thing I needed to learn about Miranda was where her motivation comes from when she gets upset. There's been a few times where Miranda's a brat or crying online, and it seems very surface level, and I think that I needed to learn where her insecurities came from, because online she just comes across as kind of bratty.

Miranda's this girl that everyone's just laughed at online for years. I want people to empathize with her.

There are a lot of people who don't respect what I do.

The things that I gravitate toward in film and TV are things that make me laugh but then break my heart.

On YouTube, I've stayed very limited with what I've been willing to share, so it's been very surface-level with Miranda.

Fans like to give me things they think Miranda would like.

I've spent 10 years checking my analytics on my end to see what people were talking about and what they like.

I have a lot of photos of my grandparents - they're my heroes, even though they've passed away. They were always happy, positive, loving to everyone they met, and a huge inspiration to me and the reason I do what I do.

My brain is a pretty intense, wacky place, and that's kind of where Miranda lives. But that's why I like the rest of my life and my stuff to be more clean, white, and simple without a lot of clutter.

I have no hard feelings towards Disneyland. I love Disneyland so much. I want to go every day. I loved every single day that I worked there.

Miranda, my character, cannot sing, cannot act, and is really inappropriate.

Miranda is extremely tacky. I personally want to edit my videos well, but I have to keep Miranda's character in mind, so there are bad angles, flashy cuts, and sparkles everywhere.

The fact that I went from making a minute-and-a-half video in my bedroom to doing an hour-and-a-half live show is just crazy.

I have a whole new perspective on pregnancy and motherhood now that I'm experiencing it. Just because it's so hard and so confusing and so exciting. Women are so amazing that their bodies can do this and that they're strong enough to do this. I can't believe almost every woman goes through this, because it's so hard.

I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

My fans have been so sweet and supportive.

People didn't go on YouTube to get famous back when I started.