Two things I really wanted to be: a stand-up comic or a New York Yankee - or a really funny New York Yankee.

I'm proud that I have done so many different kinds of things and maintained an amazing family. And I think that's the joy: that I've been able to have everything.

That's the thing that I'm really most proud of: that I'm still... people still would like to see me. I love seeing them.

It took five years to get 'Parental Guidance' made, and it was a fight every second.

President Clinton knew the course and goes, 'Here's what you want to do here.' By the fourth hole, you wanted to hit him with your putter.

We're in this together. We are Americans. We all have to do the best we can. And we will because that's who we are.

You don't want to wait for that aged jockey role.

All that time, you go, 'God, am I slipping away here?' And then something great happens, you get a call, and work begets more work.

Losing my parents, who I admired, loved and needed, it took a long time to be able to move on.

Performing was how I was able to release this pain I had.

My parents always looked like they loved being together. That's what I took from them, and that's how my wife and I are. I still feel like we're dating.

I don't go to any of the big Academy parties while the show is on because, invariably, it turns to people watching me watch the host, and it's not comfortable. I watch at home and hope the show gets to be really good.

It's like being a gym rat, but you're a theater rat, and then that becomes your fraternity house. That becomes your extended family.

Mr. Hitchcock knew what he was doing.

As far as the media goes, I'm driving in the left lane at 28 miles an hour.

I watch old 'Truth or Consequences' on Hulu. 'Concentration.' And 'The Match Game' with Gene Rayburn.

People are always telling you you're done. Someone's always telling you that, especially now in the day of social media.

There used to be that you only had four or five critics that you would look to for intelligent conversation, but now there are millions of people who can just press 'send,' and everyone's got an opinion even if no one cares what they say. It makes things a little bit tougher.

There are all these things I want to accomplish. We never know how long we're going to get.

Time scares me: having enough time to do all the things that I want to do in life, just even in terms of forgetting about the business I'm in.

I don't like to watch my work after I do it because it just - I'll always look at the wrong things.

I don't know what I would have done to rebel. I don't know what I was rebelling against.

I've said, I never thought I rebelled. I never - I don't think I've ever had that period. You know, I just had to do what I had to do. You know, I was a good kid.

Of course my uncle was a giant, but my dad, in particular, had the house filled with these great Dixieland jazz stars, really the best of them: Henry Red Allen, Willie 'The Lion' Smith, Buster Bailey, Cutty Cutshall, Tyree Glenn, Zutty Singleton. These are all big names in the Dixieland world.